Seven: Time For Adventure

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Luca awoke in the middle of the night to find Luke sleeping, sitting on the floor beside her bed. His head leaned at what had to have been an uncomfortable angle. Her hand in his paw. At least he had taken his gear off. When... when did you evolve? Sometimes it feels like it was only yesterday that we were so small. She asked herself with a sad smile on her face.

I heard that. I could ask you the same question. He thought as he shifted and opened his eyes to look into hers in the dim moonlight that came through the window.

I've missed you so much Luke. She took her other hand and rested it on his cheek.

I missed you too Luca. I thought I'd never find you. A shocked look crossed his face as she pulled him towards her. What are you doing?

You are not sleeping on the floor. It's not good for you. She persisted with her tugging.

Are... are you sure? Is this alright? You're still injured! He didn't want to resist, but was this okay? Sure, they had fallen asleep next to each other many times as kids, but this was different. They had both grown up. They weren't kids anymore. For some reason unknown to him, his mind was trying to come up with excuses as to why he shouldn't get in the bed.

Now that I have my best friend back, I'm never letting you go again. Plus I'm not the only one that had been injured during battle. You deserve to be taken care of too. She didn't need to tug anymore, as Luke laid down next to her requiring no more coaxing. Luca placed her head upon his shoulder as she curled up close to him. It had been a very long time since she had felt this happy. She was back with her best friend who she loved very much.

Luke wrapped his arms around her after he had pulled the blankets up over them both. There was no place he'd rather be right now. He was happy, he had all the friendship and love he would ever need. Maybe things hadn't changed at all. She was still Luca and he was Luke. Aura wielding best friends forever. The only difference was that they were older, that's all... right?


"This is delicious!" Luke said as he took another bite of the omelette that sat in front of him. "It reminds me of Miss Kari's cooking!"

"Doesn't it though?!" Luca took another bite herself. "Brock here is a really great cook!"

"I know! We don't eat this good when we're not traveling around together, right Pikachu?" Ash said as he placed a bowl of homemade Pokéblok down on the counter for his companion.

"Pikachu!" He replied.

"Stop you guys, you're making me blush..." Brock took a bite off his own plate. "By the way, how are you feeling today Luca?"

"Never better! Despite the blow to the head and that stupid dart, I feel great! Thanks to Luke of course..." She didn't understand why a blush crept up her face as she said it. She tried to clear her mind before she spoke again. "He treated me again a couple of times after what happened. So I'm about as good as new."

"May I ask a few questions?" Ash looked at Luca and Luke.

Luke paused mid bite nervous. Why, he wasn't sure. There had been nothing to be nervous about. "Sure." He replied simply.

"Well I was speaking to Professor Oak before breakfast, telling him what happened yesterday. He's really interested in what the two of you can do. And what everything that happened last night was about."

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