Chapter 9 (Yeonjun's story)

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Yeonjun's POV: It's been a hectic week. We had to prepare for our comeback which is tomorrow. I didn't get a chance to contact her at all. Whenever I get the time, it's past 3 am and I don't want to wake her up. I did visit the convenience store a few times at midnight but she wasn't there. Hopefully, I get to see her soon... even just hearing her voice...

< Steps To Realization >
(This story is told in Yeonjun's view)

My daily schedule goes like this: wake up by 7, eat breakfast, go to Bighit, concept discussion, sing, lunch, dance, connect with Moa (our fans), more practice, sleep. As we get closer and closer to our comeback date, it gets more and more hectic with additional schedules like photoshoots and clothes fitting. The only time we get actual rest is in the car. Many times we skip meals for rest and sleep. Even during our restless schedule, Yoon-ah does run around in my mind.

 "She shouldn't be skipping meals like me and should be getting a goodnight sleep." I think to myself.

One day we were on our way to a special dance class outside of Seoul. Inside the car Beomgyu suddenly asked me...

Beomgyu: "Hyung, is the sasaeng still bothering you?"

I first didn't catch who he meant by sasaeng.

Yeonjun: "Sasaeng? Who?"

Beomgyu: "The one that kept on texting you. I knew she was annoying you but I just stood there on the side, not being able to do anything..."

What sasaeng kept on texting me? 

Yeonjun: "Huh? What do you mean?"

Beomgyu: "The highschool girl that came all the way to our fan signing event! Uh, I think long black hair with pale face? Yeah! She goes to Yoorim!"

Does he mean...

Yeonjun: "YOON-AH???"

There's no way Yoon-ah is a sasaeng. There's no way he thinks Yooon-ah's a sasaeng. There SHOULD be no way he thinks she's a sasaeng.

Beomgyu: "You even know her name? Anyways yeah her! She somehow found your number and kept on texting you like a cree-"

Yeonjun: "NO!"

Beomgyu: "Huh? No?"


Beomgyu: "Then why did she kept on texting you and stalk you and stuff."

Yeonjun: "SHE DID NOT."

Beomgyu: "Woah calm down"

I took a deep breath and told him the truth.

Yeonjun: "The thing is... I asked for her number first... well yeah she did text me first but still and I was the one to go to her school and ask to watch a movie and..."


Yeah, I always did question my actions after meeting her. Why would I ask her number? Why would I ask her to the movies?

Beomgyu: "*gasp* DON'T TELL ME YOU LI- No there's no way. Absolutely impossible."

Li- Like? Do I like... her?

Yeonjun: "*chuckle* Nah there's no w-"

Wait, do I actually... like her? Is that why I couldn't stop thinking about her? Is that why I couldn't control myself? Is that why I always smiled whenever I saw her?

Beomgyu: "You... do like her dontcha? Hyung, you actually like her..."

I... like... her... I like her as something more than a sister... I like her as someone more than just a person to share my problems...

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