Chapter 5

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Yeonjun"s POV: So... a lot has happened today. What is wrong with me? I first run to a random school to look for her... next thing I was asking for her number??? What if she sells it? Well, I don't think shes a type to do that. Still, why would I ask her if she's not going to ask why I was crying? Why would I tell her everything? Why do I feel so comfortable with her? All these questionable acts. I'm never like this. But the way she consoled me was very different. Most people would just say it's all right, everything will be fine, don't cry, all those empty words but she didn't, as if she was sincere and wanted to actually help out... Anyways, now I even have her number... What am I going to do with this? Call her? Text her? Will she take it weirdly? As I threw my phone onto the bed, I heard a ding... Could that be her???

< Confession...?>

When I entered the house, my mom came up to me and asked why I came so late. I lied to her that I went to the library to study. She let me go without questioning much. I shouldn't be lying but I can't just tell her I was late because I was talking to this random guy that's apparently an idol and how we shared our life problems for two hours on a park bench, especially how we exchanged numbers. Why would I do that? Well, I guess we are technically neighbors..ish? I walked into my room and got ready for bed. I closed the lights and tucked myself in my precious bed. It's past 11, way past my bedtime, but I can't fall asleep. He popped up in my mind. I wonder if he's ok now. I mean in the end, we talked about positive stuff, most likely he is. However, I'm still concerned so I got out my phone and texted him. 

'Hey, it's me, the girl from earlier. I just wanted to make sure you're ok now'

-Ten seconds later-

'Yeah, I'm better now thanks to you.

I just realized I don't even know your name.'

'Oh, oops my name is Yoon-ah, Kim Yoon-ah.'

 We officially introduced our selves. Our age, what we've been up to lately, and other random stuff. Since I'm in highschool grade 3 and he's 21, he's only 3 years older than me. It finally clicked through my mind that he's actually an idol. I should do my research on TXT. 

-The Next Day-

Me: "Hey Hana, tell me about TXT."

It's the weekend and I visited Hana doing her part-time job at the convenience store. To help her out and ask about TXT. The owner knows me well so he lets me visit and help out as long as I don't disrupt the business.

Hana: "TXT? Well..."

She wasn't as eager to talk about them like before. 

Me: "Yeah... do you not like them anymore?"

Hana: "No the thing is... nevermind... Well, there's Heuningkai, the youngest, Taehyun, Beumgyu WHICH I DONT LIKE ANYMORE!!!

Yoon-ah: "Huh, I thought you're obsessed with him?"

Hana: "NOT ANYMORE! anyways and there's Soobin, the leader, and lastly Yeonjun, the oldest."

Yes! Yeonjun. 

Hana: "Why are you suddenly asking?"

Yoon-ah: "Yea the thing is-"

"Ding Ding~"

As I was about to tell her what happened, a customer walked in. As Hana went back to her job, I walked outside to bring the heavy huge boxes inside. As I was struggling to hold one up, someone grabbed it out of my hand. I turn to see a black mask covering the face. 

Me: "Yeon-"

Yeonjun: "Shhh Where should I put these?"

Me: "Yeah uh inside the building."

I let him inside the building in confusion. 

Me: "Why are you here?"

Yeonjin: "I live near, remember? No one's in here right?"

As he took off his mask, Hana came up, shocked.

Hana: "WHY IS H- WHY ARE Y--"

After I calmed Hana down, we gathered around a table in the corner with a drink. It's Saturday morning so not many customers come in at this time.

Hana: "So do you wanna explain how you two know each other?"

Me: "I wanted to tell you yesterday when we were hanging out with Hanlim but I missed the chance and earlier the customer walked in... Well, the thing is..."

Yeonjun: "I like her."

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