Annessa's Dedication to the Creators

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[Soundtrack: A Celtic Tale by Adrian von Ziegler]

Angry tears streamed down my face as I kicked open the doors to Sylaise's temple. This was supposed to be sacred ground. Sacred. But these "Freemen of the Dales" turned this beautiful, ancient ground into a base to count their coin and hide their plunder. 

I stormed down the steps and into the dim-lighted temple with my bow in one hand and an arrow in another.  I could hear Solas, Dorian, and Bull calling for me to stop and wait on them, but it was hazy.

A man in Orlesian armor stepped around the corner and was startled by my presence. I didn't bother shooting the arrow; I simply stuck it into his neck where the flesh was exposed over his armor. He helplessly clutched at the arrow as he fell to his knees and bled to death.

Another man heard his comrade's pathetic cries and spotted me. That's when I needed to start shooting.

By this point, the other three had caught up with me and began fighting by my side. Dorian and Solas threw their fireballs and blasts of lightning while Bull swung his ax effortlessly into the fray. 

As the men dropped like flies, I grabbed one body by the ankles and started dragging him outside the temple. I still had tears in my eyes as I silently begged the Creators for forgiveness for shedding blood in their sacred place.

I heard the fighting die down by the time I had dragged the dead man halfway up the stairs -- only a little further to go and I'd have the first body out.

"Nessie, what on earth are you doing?" asked Dorian from the main chamber. He was approaching me, staff in hand, and looking at me like I had lost my mind.

"You all can go, I'll catch up as soon as I'm done here," I said with a sniffle.

"You planning on taking him with us, Boss?" Bull asked, only half-joking.

"Just go," I muttered, trying my best not to cry harder.

"But --" Dorian started, but Solas laid a hand on his shoulder.

"I'll help her," he said.

The other two carefully walked around me as I dragged the man's body out the door. Solas grabbed the man's wrists and helped me. I appreciated it because if the others had tried to help, I wouldn't have let them. But Solas was an elf; I had faith that he'd understand.

To my dismay, however, he did not.

As we dumped the body onto the ground outside the temple, I wiped my nose with the corner of my sleeve. I turned to go back inside for the next body, but Solas held his staff horizontally across the entrance, keeping me from entering. His expression was almost unreadable, save for his eyebrows sternly knitted together.

"What are you doing?" I asked with annoyance. "I thought you were helping me."

"I am."

"By keeping me out of the temple? I need to --"

"To what? Drag every carcass out of the temple? For what purpose? This temple lost much of its meaning long ago. It is mostly ruins now."

"I need to right this wrong! This temple is sacred to my people! It's not to be used as some hideout for war deserters!"

"Annessa, listen to me. I understand your pain, but --"

"If you understood, you'd just leave me be." I jerked his staff away from the door, causing him to retreat his arm from my path.


The sun was starting to set outside and we had to make our way back to camp. By this time, I had finished dragging all the bodies, crates, loot, and bedrolls out of Sylaise's temple. If I had a broom and mop, I'd have cleaned it further, but there was no use as most of the temple was crumbling anyway.

I had dried my tears nearly an hour ago, and I felt better clearing the rest of the temple. I left with a lighter heart and shut the doors quietly behind me. I gazed at the ruins of the temple one last time to appreciate its masonry and historic importance. Two stone statues of elves holding bows and arrows facing each other over the doorway were the giveaway to the goddess Sylaise; she was the Great Huntress.

I said a final prayer before turning to leave.

I found Solas sitting beneath the nearby tree with his staff beside him and his eyes closed. He seemed to be meditating.

"Solas..." I called quietly so as not to startle him.

He opened his eyes and turned to face me.

"I'm sorry for being so... emotional. I was very upset. And I appreciate you letting me do what I felt was right."

He nodded and stood up. He dusted off his clothes and took his staff.

"I hope I didn't offend you."

"Nonsense," he replied. "As I said, I understand completely. I simply felt the need to explain to you that this temple had been abandoned some time ago. Your dedication to your beliefs is admirable, but it did nothing but cause you grief and waste daylight and energy."

His words were matter-of-fact and stung. I could feel the tips of my ears burning with embarrassment. He was right, as always, but it didn't change the fact that I was happy with my decision to stay and cleanse the temple. 

Solas smiled, noticing the sudden color change of my ears. "No need for embarrassment. I meant no ill intent. You must be exhausted, however, and there is little daylight left. Shall we continue on to camp?"

"Of course. Where are Bull and Dorian?"

"I sent them ahead to camp over an hour ago. They're waiting for us."

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