A Sweet Dream

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[Soundtrack: Awake in a Dream by Adrian von Ziegler]

 "The air is so fresh here. It feels good to stretch my lungs. And the flowers -- they smell so good."

We sat on a mossy hill under a canopy of maple trees. I knew I was dreaming, but it was almost as good as being awake.

"This place will be anything you wish it to be."

"I'm so grateful that you taught me how to lucid dream. Everything is so real..." As I slouched against a tree, I reached out and touched a daisy just a few inches away from my shoulder by the tree trunk. Its petals were as soft as velvet, and its perfume was strong.

"It was my pleasure." Solas flipped through the page in his book. I didn't know where he got it from. Did he somehow bring it with him? Did I dream it up for him? In any case, the poems he read from it were lovely and written in Elvish.

As he continued to the next poem, I slipped my hand onto the page and covered the words. He stopped reading and eyed me questioningly. I laid my other hand underneath the book and slowly shut it. I set the book aside and scooted myself closer to him. I now took the place of the book, his hands on my shoulders.

He brushed my silvery hair aside, as he knew I liked it. I closed my eyes and felt his cool finger brush against my cheek.

"I wish we could stay like this forever," I said.

"Ar nuven ar'an unelana, ma vhenan."

A tear escaped my eye. "Ar lath ma."

"Ar lath ma, tas." He squeezed me tightly in his arms now.

"I don't want to fight you."

He took a moment of silence before replying. "We shouldn't talk of that here. Here, we are free. Whatever tomorrow brings, you can always find me here, in the Fade."

"... Ar tel' nuvena dala ma."

He almost snickered. "I am an old god. You will not kill me easily."

I buried my face in his neck.

"Hush, now. Worry of the war when you wake."



*Ar nuven ar'an unelana, ma vhenan.
(I wish we could, my heart.)

*Ar lath ma.
(I love you) tas (too)

*Ar tel' nuvena dala ma.
(I don't want to kill you.)

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