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[Soundtrack: A Little Place Called Home by Adrian von Ziegler]

 I waddled my way up the stairs, toward the second floor where the library was. I had just walked up the steps from the courtyard outside, so I was exhausted. I had to stop to catch my breath halfway up the stairs. Solas was headed down from the library to the rotunda below and spotted me while I was taking a breather.

"What are you doing in here, vhenan?" he asked, hastily making his way to my side.

"I wanted to look for a book."

"What book are you looking for? Perhaps I can find it for you."

"No, no, I'm already halfway there. I might as well go the rest of the way."

"You walked all the way here from the tavern?"

"Yeah. Sera and I were talking about the baby, and she mentioned that Skyhold was lacking in 'fun.' I got her point, so I decided to at least look for children's books or something."

He smiled, amused. "Don't worry. I'm sure there are plenty of things to occupy their time with as they get older. After all, elves grow up in the forests. We are not afforded the luxury of toys or books on most occasions."

I shrugged. "I guess that's true. At least the baby will get to meet all it's aunts and uncles when it arrives."

He raised an eyebrow. He knew good and well that I was the only survivor left of Clan Lavellan.

"You know," I said, playfully shoving his shoulder. "Uncle Varric. Uncle Dorian. Aunt Cassandra. Aunt Josephine." I laughed.

He winced. "Uncle Dorian?"

"Oh, lighten up, Solas. You and Dorian have your differences --"

"Many differences."

"-- but one thing is true for both of you. You're both going to love the baby either way."

He sighed. "I suppose so. I shall make an attempt to be courteous to him for the child's sake, even if the words 'uncle' and 'Dorian' together leave a bitter taste in my mouth."

I chuckled and he smiled at me, taking pride in making me smile.

"Help me to the library, fenor." I reached a hand out for his.

He took my hand with the other behind his back and helped me up the steps to the library. We searched the shelves for children's books, but, of course, we didn't find any. The closest thing I found was a book on old tales and legends of Ferelden. It was going to have to do.

We opened the book and skimmed through it. Solas read some pages out loud, as he knew I loved it when he read to me. Before we knew it, I was piled up on his lap in an armchair in the corner of the library while he read to me. We fell asleep there and met in the Fade to make idle conversation about our hopes for our future child.





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