The Beginning of the End

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[Soundtrack: Forgotten Gods by Adrian von Ziegler]

After the battle with Corypheus and everything that happened at the Exalted Council, I was not prepared for what was in store for me next. Once Solas was reported missing, I begged Leliana and her spies to find him, but it was to no avail.

And now, after finally stumbling upon him through an eluvian -- a magical elven mirror -- in pursuit of the Avvar that was chasing him... I could finally hear his voice again.

I didn't entirely recognize where I was. There were grass and trees and big, old stone walls. To my amazement, there was also a life-sized statue of a Kunari. A soldier of the Avvar with his ax raised as if to attack. It startled me.

Or at least, I thought it was a statue...

There were many more behind that one. All of them looked as if they were stuck in time, weapons raised and poised in animated positions. There had to have been at least fifteen or twenty facing the eluvian.

If it weren't for their grey stone exteriors, I'd have believed they were all alive.

That's when I heard voices. His voice.

I crept slowly through the statues of Avvar soldiers and towards a crumbling set of stone steps where I could almost see another eluvian.

"Ebasit kata. Itwa-ost," his voice purred threateningly.

I couldn't understand this language. It wasn't Elvehn.

"Maraas kata!" shouted a deep female voice.

I kept following the voices until I found myself on a beautiful cliffside surrounded in moss and ferns, overlooking what seemed to be a ruined elven city. And there he stood, arguing with a Qunari woman -- the leader of the Avvar.

"Your forces have failed," he continued. "Leave now, and tell the Qunari to trouble me no further."

As Solas turned away from her, the Avvar commander became angry and began to throw her spear at him with a growl. Just then, Solas stopped in his tracks and the Qunari woman turned into stone, like all the others...

He did this to them? He is this powerful?

In front of Solas stood a massive eluvian. He began to stride toward it as there were no other threats.

I couldn't just let him leave. Not after all this time. I had to stop him. I had to say something.

"Solas!" I called.

He stopped and slowly turned to glance at me over his shoulder.

Before I could say something more, the anchor on my arm began to spark out of control again. The pain brought me to my knees.

No. Not here, not now!

He made his way toward me, almost casually with his hands behind his back. It almost sickened me how he pretended not to care. His stagnant expression didn't fool me; I could see the pain in his eyes as I suffered.

Then, his eyes turned an icy blue, and the pain in my hand subsided to a halt. The green glow faded away to nothing.

As I got to my knees, he muttered, "That should give us more time. I suspect you have questions."

"Th-the Kunari tried to kill you. I wanted to get here first."

"I know. They sought an agent of Fen'Harel. I am no one's agent but my own. I fear that the truth is much simpler and much worse than the Qunari believe."

This feeling, this massive power radiating off of Solas -- he may not have looked much different than when I last saw him, but I knew differently. The once-living Kunari forces turned to stone behind me and the drastically subsiding pain in my arm proved that Solas was no agent of Fen'Harel.

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