Introduction, Notes, Thanks, and Honorable Mentions

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(This lovely cover art was made by sadpoetier)



I put a lot of these together over a year or so ago. They were originally on my Fanfiction account, but Wattpad is a much better platform. It's more expressive and artistic. That being said, I uploaded every piece I wrote along with a new book cover and songs for each piece.

These are technically one-shots. HOWEVER... they fall in chronological order (from what happens first to what happens last). Some are long, some are short, and some were just for fun. "What if this character and that character had a talk about this subject?" Boom. Done.

Though this book is marked as "completed," it will probably never truly stop growing. Sometimes I feel like adding a new piece, sometimes I don't. You never know with me. Each piece does have its own song (via YouTube) that I added to fit the mood. None of the songs have words; it's all instrumental, which makes it ten times better. ♥



Some things I should touch on: if you hate Solavellan, the ship, don't bring your hate to this book. Keep the comments clean and decent. I'm not, by any means, saying that you can't add a negative comment or critique me on something. Criticism is what keeps a writer growing, after all! I do know, however, that many Dragon Age: Inquisition fans absolutely hated the Trespasser DLC when it came to Solas, and our hearts still ache from when we were crushed by our smart, sexy elf leaving us without so much as an explanation.

I GET IT! But whether you disagree with the fandom or the ship, it doesn't mean you have to leave hateful comments on the book. Now then, on to the next bit...

It goes without saying that this book contains spoilers.


Also, I do read everyone's comments. I may not always comment back, but I do read all of them and appreciate them all. I love getting feedback on my work, even if it is a rarity.

This book is made up of both canon and non-canon material (as well as a mixture of a novelization of the game choices available to you as a player and all-new scenes and dialogues). For example, I tweaked the personalities of the rogue trainers, and one of the books Annessa reads is actually a codex entry from a ripped journal that fans deduced to be Anders's Harrowing. Also, we all know that the Inquisitor and Solas would never wind up together in the end, and he would never abandon his quest to free the elves, even if the Inquisitor found a better way for him to go about it without destroying the world... but that's why it's a FANFICTION! :) What wonderful things they are.



Huge, huge thanks go out to Brunuhville and Adrian Von Ziegler for their amazing instrumental music. If you haven't subscribed to them already, you seriously should. They are my inspiration. When I started writing these one-shots, I listened to a lot of their Celtic, epic, and emotional music playlists. It got me through a lot of writer's block. I added a specific music piece to each one-shot that was a major inspiration for the writing.

There are some other honorable mentions: Sharm and ChilloutDeer from YouTube were also very helpful in writing these. ChilloutDeer actually helps me a lot with lots of other genres of writing.

And thank all of YOU who are still adding this book to your favorites, giving it views, upvoting, and simply reading my work. I appreciate each and every one of you. Let's continue to read and write together and make our hearts happy. ♥


Honorable Mentions:

*Sharm ~ The Girl in Red Crossing (Dragon Age):

*Sharm ~ Stormstrong (Instrumental Collection):

*Adrian Von Ziegler ~ 2 Hours of Celtic Music:

*ChilloutDeer ~ Wanderlust | Chillstep Mix:

*ChilloutDeer ~ Oblivion | Chillout Mix:

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