Getting to Know Solas and Dalish History

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[Soundtrack: Dawn of Love by Brunuhville]

"Ah, the Herald of Andraste," Solas jested. "Blessed hero sent to save us all."

He stood on a hill in Haven by a few small houses gazing out at the breach that we hadn't fully closed yet. He heard my feet crunching in the snow upon my arrival and turned to greet me.

I chuckled. "Am I riding in on a shining steed?"

To this he smirked. "I would have suggested a griffon, but, sadly, they're extinct." He placed his hands behind his back. "Joke as you will, posturing is necessary."

We walked to the edge of the path and gazed at the sky. The breach was still intimidating, but it was nice that it was closed for now. We didn't have to worry about a demon invasion just yet, unless something changed.

"I've journeyed deep into the Fade and ancient ruins and battlefields to see the dreams of lost civilizations. I've watched as hosts of spirits clash to reenact the bloody past and ancient wars both famous and forgotten. Every great battle has its heroes. I'm just curious as to what kind of hero you will be."

I gave him a shrug. "I haven't thought that far. I've barely had time to process all that is happening. If I have to be a hero, I hope to be a good one."

He simply smiled and looked back toward the mountains. 

"What did you mean ruins and battlefields?"

"Any building strong enough to withstand the rigors of time has a history. Every battlefield is steeped in death. Both attract spirits. They press against the veil, weakening the barrier between our worlds. When I dream in such places, I go deep into the Fade. I can find memories no other living being has ever seen."

I blinked. "You fall asleep in the middle of ancient ruins? Isn't that dangerous?"

"I do set wards. And if you leave food out for the giant spiders, they are usually content to live and let live." He chuckled.

I winced. Giant spiders? I hope to never have the misfortune. "It sounds... unpleasant. But I imagine you find some amazing things in those ruins."

"It is occasionally dangerous. But more often it is just sad to see what has been lost. The thrill of finding remnants of a thousand-year-old dream? I would not trade it for anything." After a moment of consideration, he said, "I will stay, then. At least until the breach has been closed."

"Was that in doubt?" I grinned.

"I am an apostate mage surrounded by Chantry forces. Cassandra has been accommodating, but you understand my caution."

I hadn't thought of Solas, or any mage acting of their own free will to help close the breach, being condemned just for being a mage. The thought made me angry. The nerve of some people to condemn those for being something they never asked to be, especially if they want nothing more than to help others.

"You came here to help, Solas. I won't let them use that against you."

"How would you stop them?" It was a genuine question.

"However I had to."

He was taken aback. "... Thank you." With a smile, he turned away. "For now let us hope that either the mages or the templars have the power to seal the breach."

As he walked, I followed. Solas was an interesting elf. He didn't seem to belong to any particular group or faction or political party. He had only himself and himself alone. He was very well versed in magical studies and spoke as if he were well-educated. I found myself with the need to ask him more questions. I couldn't get enough of his voice. It was like velvet to the ears.

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