Chapter 21

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It was Rick's decision to be cremated. I stood by the lake with Rick's urn in my arms. A warm blanket engulfing my body, protecting me from the cold. Both Randall and Karina standing on each of my side.

Rick had signed a will. His assets are planned and well-organised by his firm. He left a huge sum of money for me and the baby, it is enough to support our baby until he complete his studies.

Then, he left two groups of lawyers for Ray and Gemma. Both group will work for Ray and Gemma accordingly.

He arranged a corporate lawyer to help out with Karina's company.

Whereas for Randall, Rick has transferred the housing deeds of Dream Lake back to Randall.

"Are you sure Diana will come?" Karina asked, pulling her long knitted cardigan to herself.

I nodded, "She will."

I tightened the grip on the urn. Rick's wedding band is on my thumb. I licked my chapped lips and we heard her. Diana appeared, standing on the other side of the lake. Her stunning green eyes staring right at us.

I smiled, "Hi Diana."

She screams. I opened up the urn, tilting the urn to a side, allowing Rick's ashes to escape from the top.

Goodbye Maverick. Thank you for everything you've done for us. Thank you for loving me and thank you for giving me a son.


I will be due in August.

I still have two months left until the baby arrive.

It was terrible, the week after Rick left us. The Howards took the entire week to grief for the loss. Then everything sort of went back to normal.

Gemma focused on her work. She worked on a book with my mum, which both of them refused to tell me the context of it. She helped out in the community.

Ray started flipping houses after houses, going overseas for business trip. Karina focused on fashion week, impressing everyone with her excellent fashion sense.

Randall has a new townhouse project. He still spent most of the time in Dream Lake, looking after me and the baby. I'm grateful for Randall but I needed my own time to heal.

His smell still lingering in the bedroom. I still cry myself to sleep. I still crave for Rick's touch and attention. I still yearned for his lips on mine, whispering sweet nothings. I still miss my husband, terribly.

The community is small. Words travel. People judge. But I tried my best to stay afloat, to ignore, to continue living my life for my baby.

"Mrs. Howard, Dr. Mario is ready for you." The nurse in my gynae announced. 

Randall helped me up from my seat, ignoring the whispers in the clinic.

"I thought Maverick Howard passed away, so who is that guy?"

I looked at Randall, who looked like he didn't hear the commotion. He has a smile on his face. He looked like he enjoys these gynae visits every month.

"That is Randall Howard, the brother." Someone said, "He have been taking over his brother place."

Once we reached the door, Randall sighed and said to me, "I will arrange a private visit for Dr. Mario next time. I should have done it earlier,"

"You don't have to do this, Randall." I said, giving him a small smile, "I can come for this checks, alone."

Randall tightened his grip on me, "I'm not letting you come alone, El. Don't argue with me on this."

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