Chapter 6

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"I'm not skipping class!" I exclaimed, trying to get out of the two iron grip on my arms. Randall put his arms around me, "Live a little. We are checking the boxes of things to do before college. And skipping lesson on the day before graduation is on the list."

"Not on my list!" I pointed out. Rick opened the door that is leading us to the carpark, "It is on our list and you are in it with us. You went to your first senior party with us and you loved it! Quit struggling."

Two weeks ago, I was captured by the Howard boys, who then passed me to Karina. And, she began drawing make up on my face. After all the shenanigans, they announced that we are going to a party. Now, throughout my entire senior year, I have never been to a party.

"Before you met us, you are a boring ass. You didn't know how to enjoy life. So, now you've met us, we are teaching you how to make your life memorable by fulfilling our senior traditions with us!"

That was Randall's pitch for me to go to the party.

And, party it is.

Randall babysat the three of us throughout the entire party. Rick was too drunk but kept insisting of dancing. Karina was half drunk, but still managed to make me dance the whole night with her. I stayed sober throughout the party, until Rick passed me this shot glass.

One shot after another.

I passed out.

The next morning, I woke up beside Karina, sporting a bad headache. Gemma began lecturing us for getting dead ass drunk and poor Randall was struggling to get the three of us to bed.

He had no choice but to ask Gemma for help.

Because of this party, Randall got himself a new nickname — 'Daddy Randall'.

Also, Daddy Randall caught kissing another girl, got busted by the principal. Because of that, for unknown reason, I felt betrayed?

I didn't talk to Randall for a week.

I didn't know what have gotten into me.

But Karina seems to have an idea. She was shaking her head, smiling, "You'll know when the time comes, El. I'm just going to warn you, it will be a very difficult choice to make."

I still haven't figure it out. 

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