Chapter 1

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"In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world, there is no love for you like mine." 

Maya Angelou



There are always few people in the class that we try our best not to partner up with. In my class, they are called the Howard boys. I'm squirming in my seat as Mrs. Frankton, our art teacher, assigning our project team.

"Eleanor Morgan," Mrs. Frankton called out my name and sighed under her breath. The moment she braced her shoulders, I know I'm the lucky one. Or should I say, the one with the shittiest luck. "Maverick Howard,"

As if one Howard brother isn't enough for me to handle, Mrs. Frankton added another one for me.

"And Randall Howard,"

I watched the two Howard Boys turned to me, sporting their signature smile. Those smiles made girls in school go crazy. But in this context, I imagined two devil horns on their head.

I looked at Mrs. Frankton with a helpless look. She sighed, again, "I'm sorry, Eleanor, I have to be fair."

I frowned, looking at the Howard boys. Maverick Howard has the sweetest and charming smile. He has dark hair, green eyes, always looking neat. Whereas, Randall Howard, he is more of the troublemaker. He has dirty blond hair, striking blue eyes and always sporting the messy look.

I always thought it is a bit unfair for Maverick Howard to carry the Howard bad reputation because of Randall Howard.

Maverick Howard is the quiet one. Loves reading during free period, always keeping his brother in check and cleaning after Randall Howard's ass.

Randall Howard is the troublemaker. Loves to get into fights, smoking behind school premises and always making out with different girls.

Randall smirked, "Eleanor Morgan, I heard you are very good in Art."

I sighed in defeat, facing them with my sketch book. I glared at the two smiley face and folded my arms, not intimidated by the famous Howard boys.

Maverick leaned forward with his boyish grin, "I'm Maverick, or just Rick for you,"

I snorted, "I'll just stick to Maverick, thanks,"

Maverick raised his eyebrow with amusement and then pointed to his brother, "This is Randall Howard."

"Actually, there is no need for introduction because we have been in the same class since junior year," I said.

Randall grinning as he said, "So you do notice us."

I blinked, blushing at the comment. "No!" The two of them laughed at my reaction. Ugh! Rolling my eyes, I grabbed my pencil, "Can we get started?"

Randall closed his eyes, ready to take a nap. Maverick took an interest of my sketch book. I poked Randall's arms with my pencil for him to participate in the discussion, but he didn't respond.

Maverick snorted, "Ignore him. I will help you. So now, what should we do?"

I sighed, pushing the instruction sheet to Maverick, "House."

Maverick blinked, a cute confused face replacing his grin, "House? One word? And we are supposed to draw it out?"

I shrugged, "That is art."

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