Chapter 14

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My hands were trembling as I looked at Rick, still unconscious.

The doctor said that Rick took a good hit. He is suffering from a minor concussion, so they have to keep him warded for the night. I took Rick's hand to my face, placed my lips on back of his palm. He has cuts all over his face but luckily it won't leave any scars on his handsome face and will heal in no time.

Rick stirred. I stood up, my hand over his cheek, "Rick?"

He opened his eyes and smiled, "Hey angel,"

I let out a relief sigh and kissed his forehead, "Hey, my hero,"

He smiled, "Your hero, huh?"

I looked at him, tears welling up again, "Why did you remove your own seatbelt and act as shield for me, Rick? Do you know how afraid I was when you passed out?"

"I'm sorry," Rick wiped the stray tear away, "I'm okay, El. As long as you're safe. I should've been more careful,"

I brushed my fingers lightly on his bandage, "It's not your fault, Maverick. The deer came out from nowhere, we couldn't have predicted that."

I sat back beside him, my hands are still shaking. Rick noticed; he took my shaking hands, "Eleanor, you are not okay. What's wrong?"

I bit my lips, "I was terrified. Is that how my family and your family felt when they got into accident? I realised how terrifying it was. I couldn't get it out of my head."

Rick pulled me into his arms, "Shit. I'm so goddamn sorry,"

"I thought I was going to lose you, Rick. I can't lose anyone anymore. I have lost so many of them. I don't want anyone to leave me," I broke down, soaking his hospital shirt.

He sighed, "El, I told you I hate seeing you cry. You won't lose me. Never. Don't think of ditching me."

I sniffled. Rick chuckled, "Your nose is so red,"

He pinched my nose lightly, "I had everything planned perfectly today,"

"We can always do it here," I laughed, "You're in a hospital and still thinking about the date?"

Rick winced, "In the hospital? Not an ideal place."

I smiled, "It's not that bad. White walls, white floor, nice smell, nice outfit. It's perfect."

He poked my rib, "It's horrible. Am I hideous now?"

I smiled, "Not at all, Maverick. You look fine."

He took a deep breath. He looked at me, intently, "Eleanor, I've been in love with you ever since you stomped out of the art class. I cannot imagine my life without you, El. I will do anything to make you happy. I can even throw myself in front of thousands cougar just to win your attention. El, would you do me the honours of being my girlfriend?"

I stared at his striking green eyes. What did I do to deserve Rick's unconditional attention? He was always there for me. He always put me before anyone else. What else more can I ask from him?

He used his life to protect me today. And the list goes on. I did nothing for him. Rick seems disappointed and sad when he noticed the hesitation in my eyes. He managed an awkward smile, "It's okay. I shouldn't be doing this at a wrong place and wrong time."

"Rick," I took his hand, "Yes,"

Rick blinked, "What? Yes as in yes, you would be my girlfriend or yes I did it in a wrong place and wrong time?"

"Both, but I don't care," I leaned forward to kiss him. A little firework sparked in me but it didn't feel as right as I did with Randall.

I shouldn't be thinking about him when I'm kissing his brother. Rick carried me up to his bed without breaking the kiss. We broke up the kiss when we felt people watching.

Randall and Karina were standing there. Randall looked torn apart, Karina held on his arm with a worried look.

Rick beamed, "Kids, El just agreed to be my girlfriend,"

Karina blinked, "What?"

Rick looked at me, he looked like he is very proud and satisfied.

Randall remained silent and I avoided having eye contact with him. I heard him kicking a chair before leaving the room. Karina bit her lips, "Um, congrats! I'm really happy for the both of you. Talk later, El."

Rick is still looking at me, smiling and not affected by his brother walking out. "Where were we?"

I laughed, pushing his lips away, "No more Maverick. I will get the doctor here to check your head. He said you got a minor concussion."

"Don't worry babe. I'm absolutely fine,"

I kissed his lips, "Nope. You are not fine. I'm still going to call the doctor."

I reached to the side and pressed the red button, glancing back at fallen chair.

I've made my decision.


Karina found Randall behind the hospital, staring on the ground. He looked defeated. He looked like he just lost his soul. She walked over to him, touched his arm, "You okay?"

"Am I too late, Rina?" Randall lifted his head up, to look at his sister. Karina saw his eyes were filled with so much emotions, she thought she is going to witness her brother cry the first time.

"I..." Karina couldn't find the right word to comfort her brother. She knows her best friend's intention. She knew she have been trying to make a decision. It looks like she just did.

"Rina, I've lost her. I'm too late. The lights in her eyes whenever she look at me, was gone. I..." Randall rubbed his hands across his face, "I need to go."

Karina watched her brother got into his car and drove away. She sighed. She don't know if Randall will ever get over this. This is between the three of them. She will respect Eleanor decisions just like how she will respect her brothers choices.

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