Chapter Twenty-Four - Scotland

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The flight to Scotland was a long one, and by the time they landed in Edinburgh, Rayna was starving – You couldn't exactly carry on blood, after all.
"Pit stop at the hospital and then we move on to Culloden." Rayna clarified to the small group.

The drive to Culloden was a long one; made even longer by Lucifer's incessant whining about the car rental company not having any cars that suited his tastes.
But eventually they got to their hotel – Culloden House.
Rayna stood at the bottom of the tall stairs to the entrance of the house.
"You know, I stayed here before and during the Battle in seventeen forty six. The Bonny Prince Charlie was good for a laugh and a game of dice. We had many a night walking these grounds too. This was where we wrote up battle plans and strategies." She smiled at the memory. "Come on."
They walked in and got their suites – Lucifer and Rayna in one, Maze and Amenadiel in the other.
"So what now?" Maze asked, walking into the Heretic and Devil's room.
"We wait until dark. Andrew doesn't have a Daylight ring like I do, so that'll be their plan. Then, we go to the battlefield." Rayna said, sitting down on the bed.

As night fell, the tension in the suite grew rapidly. No one knew how the night was going to go and there were unspoken thoughts that perhaps lives would be lost. For all anyone knew, the combined magic of a resurrected family of Witches could be enough to kill an Angel or Demon.
Rayna pushed those feelings aside. There was no way that, on her watch, anyone she cared about would die that night.
"It's time." She said, quietly.
The four left the hotel in complete silence, making their way to the battlefield.
"Ye got the message, then." James sneered, standing twenty feet from them.
"It was a little hard to miss." Rayna replied. "Care to tell me how you got your family back without the talisman?"
"Why not hear it from them?" James smiled menacingly.
With that, four figures came out of the dark from down a slope in the battleground.
One of them was Andrew, as Rayna had suspected. Another was a small girl, no older than thirteen. The Heretic assumed that to be the brothers' sister Annys. Then of course, came their mother and father; Collum and Caitlin.
The family's fiery red hair almost glowed in the moonlight, making it look as though Culloden Moor was ablaze.
The wind was howling as though Mother Nature knew what was about to go down.
"It's a pleasure to see ye again, Lady Rayna." Caitlin spoke first.
"I only wish I could say the same, Caitlin. But please assist me, because I don't understand something. All I wanted to do was help Andrew and your family. I gave him my blood so that he could come home to you after the battle. And now you threaten the city I love and send me messages with the dead?" Rayna frowned, taking a few more steps towards the family.
"We would've come back with nothing but open arms for ye, but then we see our Andrew on the other side and he tells us that you were the one who put him there. He also spoke of you and yer friends threatening James' life and ridding him of the only method he had available to unite us as a family once more." Collum said.
"First of all, Andrew was a danger to not only the Humans, but also himself and the Supernatural world. I gave him the option to stop his merciless killing, but he refused. I had no other choice. I'm not quite sure where you've got your information from, but I never once threatened James' life, but as for the talisman, I was thinking of the greater good. You were going to wreak havoc on the descendants of those who killed you. Those people did nothing wrong. You can't blame the children for the fault of the parents." The Heretic sneered.
Despite being a good fifteen feet apart, the tension from both sides resonated towards one another. It was only a matter of time before someone snapped.
"If you wanted your family back together, we could've just killed James and you could've played your happy families in Supernatural Purgatory." Maze smirked.
'Oh fuck...' Rayna thought, her eyes going wide.
"That guard dog of yours needs muzzling, dear sire." Andrew growled, bearing his fangs.
"She has a point though." Lucifer shrugged.
Rayna turned back to Lucifer with a look of 'do you have a fucking death wish?'
"Yer gunna wish ye never said that." Collum glared.
With that, he, Caitlin, and Annys raised their hands, simultaneously reciting a spell.
Rayna recognised it instantly as a massive fire spell.
She faced her palms backwards towards her group.
"Invisique." She uttered, instantly turning herself and her divine and demonic company invisible.
"Ye cannae hide forever, Heretic!" Collum bellowed.
"Wanna bet?" Rayna whispered into his ear, appearing right behind him.
She grabbed him, wrapping her hand around his throat. "Right. If I see anyone move or hear a single bloody spell being cast, I'll turn daddy's neck to dust. Got it?"
Maze smirked, mumbling a small 'that's my girl'.
"Father!" Annys shrieked.
"Dinna fash, lass. Rayna's a lot of things, but she isn't a murderer." Collum smirked.
"How much would you like to bet on that? Because I have entire villages in my ledger who would beg to differ." The heretic snarled, pressing her fingertips into the male Witch's jugular.
No one moved. Not even a peep. The entire battlefield fell silent for a few moments.
"So what now?" Caitlin asked, fearing for her beloved's life.
"Now, you leave. Go find a corner of the world and live out the rest of your days without any more death or destruction." Amenadiel said.
"Aye. Because that's going to happen." Andrew chuckled.
"It had better." Rayna snapped. "Because if it doesn't, I'll come for you and make sure that there's no one left to bring you back this time."
"Fine! Fine, we'll go." Caitlin cried. "Just release my husband."
Rayna smiled, violently letting go of Collum's neck and pushing him towards his family.
Just as everything seemed to be settling down, the family walking off in the opposite direction of Rayna and her group, the Heretic heard Collum whispering a spell.
As she turned around to counter, she pushed out her hands, emitting an immense amount of power.
Like some sort of magical tidal wave, the three Witches were swept away, dying instantly.
James and Andrew looked on in horror.
"I warned you." Rayna said.
"And now ye'll pay." Andrew growled, looking to James.
With a nod of his head, the brothers charged at the group with full Vampire speed.

The battle was a messy one.
Rayna, Maze and her knives flew about like a stunning contemporary dance on James. Amenadiel and Lucifer worked together to take down Andrew.
Rayna pounced with all her might on James' shoulders, gripping his head in her hands, bloodied from James' non-healing knife injuries. In one swoop and a lot of strength, she ripped his head from his shoulders.
Meanwhile, Lucifer and Amenadiel seemed to be fighting a losing battle. Andrew and his Vampire speed made him have the upper hand.
Though not doing much damage, he was able to best them rather easily.
Rayna watched intently, figuring out each of their moves before they'd even done them.
"Phasmatos navaro pulsus sanguinox." Rayna mumbled, pointing her hand directly at Andrew, following his body around as he fought the divine brothers.
He instantly stopped his attacks, crumpling into the grass and wailing in agony as his blood turned to acid.
"Fuckin' Witch! Make it stop!" He cried. "Make it stop, make it stop!"
"Ossox." Rayna simply said, watching as his bones snapped one by one. "You threaten the lives of my friends, the people in my city, my unborn child... And you want me to make it stop?"
Every couple of words she had said, she took a step closer towards the agonised Vampire.
"Please, I beg ye! I'll do anythin'!" Andrew shouted.
Rayna waved her hand, making both her previous spells cease, but also snapped his neck.
"What now?" Lucifer asked.
"Now we make him suffer." Rayna replied.

The group walked the length of Culloden Moor into a nearby forest.
In the forest, Rayna knew of a cave where Andrew's body was laid deep inside.
She cast a spell on him using her mind, smirking to herself as she did so, then left the cave, sealing it with magic so that he couldn't get out and no one could get in.
"What spell did you put on him?" Maze asked.
"A spell to amplify his blood lust. He'll be in more agony than he's ever felt until he eventually desiccates." Rayna told her.
The Demon smiled. "I like this side of you." She said. "Kinda makes me horny." 

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