Chapter Two - Lux

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The club smelled of sweat, cheap perfume and cigarettes, a combination Rayna had learned to enjoy during her time in the City of Angels.
"What are you drinking?" Ben raised his voice over the loud music.
"Surprise me." Rayna chuckled, going to sit in one of the booths.
She people-watched as she waited for him to come back, seeing all the people having a great time, dancing and drinking the night away.
"There ya go." Ben smiled as he sat down next to her, placing a beer on the table for himself and a Scotch on the rocks for her.
She breathed in the scent that reminded her of the time over two centuries ago, when she lived in the Scottish Highlands.
"It would appear you and the owner have similar tastes." Ben chuckled, sipping his beer.
"Just a shame he's a 'pompous douche', as you so describe." Rayna replied in a playful tone, gulping down the silky liquid in one.
"Speaking of the devil..." He sighed as his gaze drawn away from the Vampire in front of him.
Rayna sat back in her seat and looked behind her.
Like a scene from a movie, she and the mysterious owner locked eyes.
"Oh, you have got to be kidding me..." She sighed.
"What's up?" Ben asked.
"You didn't tell me the owner of the club was Lucifer bloody Morningstar."
Ben looked confused.
"You two know each other?"
"He's a... Friend from way back when..." Rayna replied as she picked up her glass and stood up. "Another?"
"I mean, I haven't finished this one..."
"I'll get you another." Rayna nodded, more to herself than him.
She walked over to the bar and sat in one of the barstools.
"My Lady." A familiar voice dripped with the sound of a cheeky smile.
"Go to Hell, Lucifer."
"Now is that any way to treat an old friend?" He slid into the spot next to her, leaning over half way across the width of the bar.
"I don't know Luci, Is fucking your 'friend' and telling them you love them, then leaving them without a word for almost four hundred years any way to treat someone?" Rayna's voiced dripped with sarcasm as she turned to leave. "I can't believe my money is going to you, of all people."
The bartender passed her a top shelf Bourbon just as she finished the sentence.
"Good taste as usual, Ray." Lucifer smirked.
Rayna scoffed, downing the drink in one.
"Fuck off, Lucifer." With that, she walked away, grabbing Ben by the collar of his shirt. "Come on, Ben. This place repels me."
Lucifer watched the pair leave from his spot at the bar, not quite knowing what to do or think.

Outside Lux, Rayna stopped to put her jacket on.
"What happened back there?" He asked, placing a hand on her bicep.
"Unexpected and unwanted walk down memory lane." Rayna sighed, curling a few strands of her snow white, mid-back length hair between her fingers as a mild stress-reliever.
"Do you wanna try another club?" He asked.
"No, I just wanna go back to the hotel, to be honest..."
Ben nodded before turning away to hail a cab.
"Then I had a good time while it lasted." He gave her a small smile.
Rayna frowned.
"Do you fancy coming back to the hotel with me and get drunk in my room?" She raised an eyebrow.
Ben thought about it for a moment.
"Sure." He replied.

In the Penthouse suite, Rayna dropped her key card on the coffee table and pulled out a tray from one of the cupboards in the kitchen and placed all of the tiny bottles of various alcohols on it before taking it through to the living area.
It joined the key card and she flopped down onto the couch, exhaling deeply.
"You look like you could do with a smoke." Ben's voice perked up.
Rayna looked up at him, seeing he was holding a smell-proof bag; she instantly knew what was inside.
"Now you're talking my language. I prefer this over some shitty, overpriced club any day." She smirked.
He chuckled, sat down next to her and began to roll a joint.
Once done, the pair took the tray of booze and headed out to the rooftop balcony and sat on the deckchairs.
"Care to take the first toke?" Ben asked, offering Rayna the joint.
"Roller's rights dude. You've got to respect the rules." She raised an eyebrow.
Ben laughed. "Fine." He lit the joint and took a single toke, before handing it to her. "There, roller's rights have been fulfilled."
Rayna breathed and chuckle and looked down at the floor after taking the joint from him.
"Thank you for inviting me out, Ben. While it lasted, I had a good time."
"Hey, don't sound so final. We'll get lit and have a good time still, just the two of us. We don't need some rich asshole ruining the fun. You, me and this big bag o' weed."
The pair shared a laugh and finished the smoke and it wasn't long after that when they finished the contents of the mini bar and moved the party to the hot tub in the bathroom after grabbing one of the ten bottles of Champagne from the fridge.
Rayna, dressed in her Grecian styled bikini, laid back in the warm water and released a content sigh.
"It's been a good first night." She smiled to herself, eyes closed. "All things considered."
"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. I did too." Ben replied.
Rayna chuckled to herself and took a sip from her Champagne glass.
"You working tomorrow?" She asked, realising they hadn't had a need for small talk until then.
"Unfortunately. But I suppose you got me that raise, so there's that." He shrugged.
"Wanna make the journey shorter by staying the night? This room has three bedrooms after all." Rayna motioned around the room.
"Well... It's not everyday someone like me gets to stay in a five-grand-a-night hotel room, so why not?" He shrugged.

It wasn't long before the pair grew tired and bid each other goodnight.
"Hey, Rayna?" Ben stopped in his tracks on the way to the second bedroom.
"Yeah?" She replied, turning back to look at him.
"I had a lot of fun tonight. And it's been a while since I've been able to say that genuinely. So thank you." He smiled.
"Me too... Goodnight Benjamin." She gave a small wave and went to retire.
Rayna laid in her bed and, for the first time in what felt like centuries – and she should know, she fell asleep quickly.

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