Chapter Twenty-Two - A Softer Side

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The case was really beginning to irk Rayna.
It had been two weeks and they still had as much information about it as the day they had stepped foot onto the crime scene.
But a phone call was about to change all of that.
"Another one?" Rayna answered the call from Chloe.
"Yep. Another two dead downtown. Exactly the same motive but there's a different message that I think you would find rather interesting."
"I'm on my way." Rayna replied, dropping the call and shoving her phone into the inside pocket of her leather jacket as she made her way out of the penthouse.

At the scene, Lucifer was already there with Chloe, having been working on the case at the precinct.
"What have we got?" Rayna asked as she walked up to them, but then she caught sight of the message.
In huge letters written in blood were the words 'this is your fault, Miss Ives.'
"Oh fuck..." The Heretic whispered.
"Thought it might catch your attention." Chloe nodded.
"It has." Rayna agreed. "Because now I know exactly who's done this."
"Want to fill us in?" Lucifer raised an eyebrow.
"It's James. Lucifer, you were right. He's retaliating. We need to find him and stop him before another two turn up dead."
"I'll get Maze on it." The Devil nodded, walking off with his phone in hand to phone his Demon accomplice.

Meanwhile, Rayna was searching the crime scene for any sort of clues as to why James was targeting these people and why both times were two people.
"What is it exactly you're looking for?" Chloe asked, following the slightly frantic Heretic.
"Anything that tells me these weren't just aimless killings. James was young when Andrew turned him; all of his personality traits were magnified when he became a Vampire. James was a typical happy-go-lucky child of the time, but he was also very smart and very calculating. And he didn't kill anything without a good reason, even when he was hunting for food with his father. So there must be something here that suggests that maybe, these people were Supernatural of some sort and initially useful to him before he changed his mind, or they were part of something bigger." Rayna explained.
"Okay." Chloe nodded. "So what sort of things are you looking out for? If they're not here, I can check with the uniforms to see if they've already seen it and bagged it for evidence."
"If we're looking for signs they're witches, we'd be looking for herbs, smudge sticks, more candles that seem normal, any really old books with weird writing; Grimoires, they're called. We're not looking for signs of Vampires, considering how they died. But they could be Werewolves, in which case, any evidence would be harder to find. Werewolves just exist. Though we might find some industrial strength chains or bungie wires so they can control themselves when they turn."
"Werewolves are also a thing." Chloe sighed. "Noted."
With that, the Detective wondered off towards the nearest uniformed officer.

The apartment they were in was only small, so it didn't take long to come up with nothing.
"What do we do next?" Chloe asked.
"Nothing." Rayna sighed impatiently. "We just have to wait and see what Maze comes up with."
"This is so stressful... At least with my normal cases we have some sort of evidence to go on." The Detective mimicked the actions of her Heretic company.
"Welcome to my world, Detective Decker." Rayna shrugged, wondering off towards the exit.

Back at the Penthouse, Rayna laid herself down on the couch, playing some soothing piano music through the sound system as she closed her eyes and cupped her swollen stomach.
"What are you going to be, little one?" She asked, softly.
"I'd guess she'll be the most powerful being to ever walk the Earth." Lucifer's voice propped up.
Rayna jumped, instantly making eye contact with her Devil love.
"How the Hell did you do that?" She asked. "No one can make a Vampire jump. Especially not me."
"How the Hell, indeed." Lucifer smirked, taking a seat by Rayna's legs. "How's our little angel doing?"
"She's fine. And awake. She keeps moving around in there."
"What does that feel like?" Lucifer inquired.
"Like bubbles and constipation." Rayna sighed, tipping her head back onto the arm of the sofa, closing her eyes once again.
"Sorry I asked." Lucifer mildly grimaced. "Drink?"
"Could you get me a blood bag please? I meant to grab one before I sat down, but I forgot and couldn't be bothered to get up again. My feet hurt."
Lucifer turned around to face his back to his love, then carefully took off her shoes, placing them neatly on the floor.
He then took her feet into his hands and began to gently massage them.
"My poor love. Of course I'll get you some blood. Hold on a tick." He smiled, getting up.
Rayna opened her eyes once more, watching him move to the bar.
She couldn't help but think how lucky she was to have met him all those centuries ago and how they'd stumbled back into each other's paths as though it were fate. Rayna didn't exactly believe in fate or destiny, but this one instance was certainly an exception. She was destined to fall in love with the Devil. She was destined to have his daughter.
Though, having said that, it made her wonder if this was Lucifer's father's plan all along. God had certainly made his plan a mystery to everyone and Rayna, for the life of her, couldn't think why God would give her the life she had led. With all the death and heartbreak, only to lead to this and an impossible creation that went against everything the laws of magic and nature stood for.
"What are you thinking about, my love?" Lucifer's voice snapped her out of her thoughts.
"Oh nothing in particular. Just wondering what your father's been up to to give us this life. It was obviously meant for something."
Lucifer shuddered at the thought of his mysterious and illustrious parent.
"What an odd thing to be thinking about. Why can't we just accept that it happened and enjoy it without thinking that my father had something to do with it?" He sighed, sitting down and handing her a glass full of blood.
"Don't you ever wonder though?" Rayna asked, taking a sip. "We met almost four hundred years ago and then I just so happened to turn up at your club eight months ago?"
"Perhaps." Lucifer shrugged, running his hands up the sides of her thighs. "But I don't care to know or find out. I'm just happy that we're here right now, together."
"Me too." Rayna smiled in adoration.
"I love you." The Devil said.
"I love you too, Luci."

A few hours later, Lucifer's phone rang, displaying Maze's name.
"What is it?" He asked.
"I lost him. The little asshole gave me the slip. I swear, if Rayna doesn't kill him, I will." She growled in frustration.
"Hold your horses, Mazikeen. I believe Rayna's half way through coming up with a plan. Just find him again and keep your distance." He told her.
"God, she's such a killjoy. You got it, boss." She sighed, hanging up the phone.
"She'll pay for that." Lucifer mumbled as he returned his phone to the inside pocket of his suit jacket.
"How could she call me a killjoy? I helped invent most activities the western world enjoys today, including her." Rayna folded her arms across her chest, pouting like a scolded child.
"She's just annoyed that she lost James and is looking for someone to take it out on, I wouldn't worry about it, darling." Lucifer smiled, walking over to her to embrace her.
The pair stood there in their hug for a good minute or so, taking in each other's presence.
Just then, their daughter got particularly excited, moving so much that even Lucifer felt her push against his bladder area.
He moved away abruptly, at first thinking that it was Rayna trying to pull away from him.
"You felt that, huh?" Rayna smirked, looking down at her bump.
"That was her?" Lucifer asked, his eyes wide and inquisitive. Rayna simply nodded.
The Devil dropped to his knees, cupping his love's growing stomach in his large hands.
"Hello there, little love." He spoke softly, his lips brushing against the bump.
As a response, their daughter kicked once more, letting him know she was there and she could hear him.
"Looks like she's already a daddy's girl." Rayna chuckled, running her hands through Lucifer's soft, dark hair.
"Good." He smiled, kissing her bump gently. 

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