Chapter Thirteen - Grief

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The next day was Hell on Earth.
Lucifer had woken up, the thought of what he had done to his brother finally sinking in.
By the time Rayna woke up, he was already downstairs and pretty intoxicated.
In just Lucifer's dress shirt and some underwear, she made her way down to the bar to look for him.
There he was, sat at the piano, playing Metallica's 'The Unforgiven'.
"I always did have a soft spot for that song. But the way you play it is breath-taking." She smiled, creeping behind him to wrap her arms around his chest as he played.
A cigarette rested on the edge of the ashtray atop his piano, accompanied only by a half empty glass of Scotch.
Rayna took the cigarette and finished it off before getting herself a blood bag from the private fridge in the office; by which time, Lucifer had finished the song.
"Are you going to sit there like a grieving Human all day or are you going to do something spectacular to mourn your brother properly?" Rayna asked, leaning on the piano. That was when she saw the dirt under his finger nails. "You buried him, didn't you?"
Lucifer downed the last of his liquor and nodded, moving on to play something else.
Just then, the Devil's phone buzzed loudly against the piano, but he didn't stop his playing, so Rayna picked it up to see who it was.
"Satan's phone." She answered after seeing who it was.
"Very funny Rayna." Chloe replied. "Your friend Andrew's been on quite the binge. I need you both down here as soon as possible. I'll text you the address."
"Uh, it might have to be just me. Lucifer's... Indisposed at the moment."
"Anything I should be worried about?" Chloe asked, clearly concerned.
"I'll explain later. Text me the address and I'll be over in twenty minutes." Rayna sighed.
The pair hung up and Rayna moved around the piano to stand beside Lucifer, running her slender fingers through his soft hair.
"I need to go help the Detective. You stay here and have a day to yourself. I'll be back later, okay?" She told him in a soothing tone.
Lucifer stopped playing and sighed.
"I love you." He whispered.
"I love you too."

After Rayna got dressed into simple black skinny jeans, a cut up Iron maiden shirt and leather jacket, she took Lucifer's car to the address Chloe had sent her.
It was a fancy yet cosy 'home away from home' apartment overlooking Venice Beach. She made her way up to find Chloe waiting for her by the front door.
"Come on then, what's the damage of our failed plan?" Rayna sighed a she approached the Detective.
"See for yourself." Chloe replied, closing the front door slightly to reveal more painted words in blood.
'This is on your hands Rayna' the words said.
The Heretic dismissed the meaning in the words and moved passed them into the apartment.
Inside, it was a blood bath. Everything that could be covered in blood, was. As the pair walked further inside, even Rayna was taken aback by the body count.
She used her index finger to count every one.
"Someone's had a busy couple of days. Eighteen dead." She stopped in her tracks when something seemed off. "How many forensics do we have here?"
"Five, why?" Chloe looked confused.
"Five, plus you – yet I'm hearing seven heartbeats." Rayna took a moment to close her eyes in an attempt to home in on the extra life. "I need paramedics in here!" She shouted out of the front door, not taking her eyes away from a young red head female.
Within seconds, three paramedics rushed in and were directed to the live one.
"Why don't you just heal her?" Chloe asked.
"People have seen her in here. If she just gets up and walks out without a scratch on her, those people will start asking questions." Rayna explained, earning an understanding nod from the Detective.

The pair followed the girl out as she was carried away on a gurney and walked back towards Lucifer's car.
"So what's up with him?" Chloe asked, leaning on the driver's door.
"His brother died yesterday. Whilst everyone was out searching for me." Rayna explained.
"But Amenadiel was..."
"No, not Amenadiel. One of his other brothers; Uriel." The Heretic looked sad for her love, despite his absence.
"Oh no... Is he alright?"
"He's Lucifer. Even if he weren't, he wouldn't tell us." Rayna rubbed her eyes, feeling extremely stressed. "But he doesn't need to tell us this time. He was already in the club, pretty drunk and playing sad piano pieces by the time I woke up."
"My God..." Chloe looked down at her feet, not really knowing what else to do or say.

Back at the Precinct, Chloe and Rayna were in the kitchen making coffee and a snack for lunch.
"So what are we going to do with our Andrew situation?" Chloe asked, leaning the small of her back on the counter top.
Rayna shrugged. "Stake out every club in LA until we happen to bump into him one night?"
Chloe raised her eyebrow.
"Or... We could come up with something entirely different." She said. "That way, we might actually have a shot at catching this asshole."
"Jeez, I was just suggesting..." Rayna mumbled, unable to keep the playful smirk from dancing onto her mouth.
"We've gotta think of something..." The Detective sighed, walking back over to her desk.
"Wait." Rayna gasped at the genius of her idea, lightly tapping the side of her head as though it should've been obvious all along.
"What is it?" Chloe asked.
"We could get Maze to track him." The Heretic waved her arms up in an exaggerated shrugging motion.

"So let me get this straight." Mazikeen began with a bored tone, pouring herself a drink from Lux's bar. "You want me to track the big scary Vampire British dude and kill him."
"No, not kill him. Drug him with a boatload of Vervain and get him back to me." Rayna clarified.
"Why wait? That's just asking for trouble. I'll save you the effort, Witchpire." Maze lazily shrugged her shoulders.
"Because I sired him. He's my responsibility." The Heretic almost growled with the anger she felt towards Andrew.
"Whatever, girl. It's your funeral." The Demon sighed.

Meanwhile, Chloe had stood at the other end of the bar, talking with someone on her phone.
"Alright. Thanks, officer." She said, hanging up.
Before she'd even had a chance to put her phone back in her pocket, she was stalking over to the Vampire and the Demon with unfortunate, but helpful news.
"I just don't get why you don't come with me." Maze told Rayna, taking a large gulp from her whiskey glass.
"Because I just can't." Rayna practically snapped.
"Guys." Chloe interrupted. "I think I've got us a head's start on tracking him down." The pair turned their attentions to the Detective. "There's been another one." 

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