Chapter Fourteen - Caught Blood Red Handed

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The three women got out of the LAPD Dodge outside of a stunning, modern mansion. It's white exterior in the Californian sun made it seem as though it were glowing like a house of God.
Probably too soon to bring up Lucifer's father...
Maze, Chloe and Rayna made their way into the house, walking through some modern gothic black double doors, down the hallway into the main room of the house – a living area with a glass cased fire feature in the centre of the room and a divine view of the West Hollywood beaches through the far window.
The last thing they expected to see was Lucifer looking around the mansion as though it were on the market.
"Detective! There you are." He beamed brightly, shoving his hands in his trouser pockets.
The women looked around each other, feeling beyond confused.
"Lucifer..." Rayna frowned. "Are you alright?"
"Of course, darling. Never better. This house is gorgeous, isn't it?" He grinned, gesturing behind him with a thumb over his shoulder. "Fancy maybe ditching the Lux Penthouse one day?" He winked.
"Um... Yeah, maybe. We can talk about it later, there's kind of been a murder. Don't know if you were aware." Rayna replied in sceptical monotone.
"Oh, them? Yeah, they were in my way the whole time." He flopped his hands in the campest of mannerisms, then walked off towards the crime scene.
Chloe simply rolled her eyes and followed him.
"How the Hell..." Rayna squinted in confusion at Maze.
"I have no idea." She raised her arms in defeat and walked off in the direction of the others, Rayna soon in tow.

"Oh my God..." Chloe gasped as soon as she saw the mess of a crime scene.
The once beautiful brown antique couch was soaked in a thick layer of darker brown blood. The fireplace had a large splatter on its glass casing, complete with tiny little pieces of half chewed flesh.
Andrew had gone to town on this one, alright...
He was angry, vicious and merciless with this poor girl.
The girl, herself was... Everywhere...
Limbs and a headless torso littered the room, leaving very little to be taken in as physical evidence - not that Rayna needed it.
She'd only seen this kind of Vampiric brutality once before. An old friend who didn't know how to stop taking blood when he needed to.
Maze approached the nearest officer, shoving his shoulder to turn him around, violently.
The officer's back hit a blood-soaked wall behind him and he recoiled in fear.
"Where's your evidence?" Maze snapped, leaning into the man's face to intimidate him as much as Demonly possible – which was a lot...
"It's in that bag!" The officer cried, flinching at her tone.
"Thank you." She smiled, sweetly, releasing the man's shirt from her inhumanely strong grip.
Rayna caught the whole thing and smirked to herself. Maze most certainly hadn't changed much in four hundred years.
"What the Hell did he do?" Chloe asked in disbelief.
"He's holding a grudge." Rayna sighed.
"Hey guys, I might have a lead. I'll text you when I have something." Maze called from the opposite side of the room, then jogged out of the big glass door in front of her, an evidence bag in her grasp.

As soon as Maze had her bike, she was off to a location given to her by the evidence.
This particular evidence was in the shape of the victim's phone.
On that phone, was CCTV footage from the front door of the mansion. The camera had caught Andrew leaving whilst on the phone to someone.
"Aye, I'll meet ye at the observatory. Dinnae worry, pal. I've got the witch's talisman. Tell me you've got the other shit." He had said, pausing for a response. "Nae bother. I'll be there soon."
Maze didn't know how much of a lead he had on her, but she also didn't doubt her motorbike's speed abilities or her general lack of mind for her own safety.

Meanwhile, Rayna split from the girls and dragged Lucifer by the arm of his suit jacket to a quieter, more private part of the house.
After settling on the balcony as a good idea, Rayna
"Are you alright, Luci?" She asked.
"Of course I am, darling. Now off we pop, this Vampire isn't going to send himself to Hell." He smiled, moving to walk away.
"Wait." Rayna sighed, grabbing his other sleeve. He stopped in his tracks and looked directly into her eyes. "Please talk to me, love. I can't help if you don't tell me what I can do."
"There's nothing to help with, my Lady." He smirked, brushing her hand from his jacket as he moved on.
Being called 'my Lady' brought back memories of darker times for the Heretic – the likes of when he had left her in her bed, having given herself to him. She wondered if that trip down memory lane had been deliberate on Lucifer's part.
Rayna stood there for a moment in bewilderment.
She thought of the fact that Lucifer was clearly not alright and whether or not he had chosen that particular pet name for a reason.
But mostly, the thought of the past twenty hours consumed her mind.
'How the Hell am I going to tell him I'm pregnant?'

At the Griffith Observatory, Maze instantly fell into attack Demon mode.
With her knives at the ready, she strutted angrily towards the building to find her mark.
"You and your friend smell different, creature." Andrew's voice snarled from behind her.
Maze smirked, turning around. "Probably because you've never smelt the scent of the person going to wipe you off the face of this Earth."
"I like yer fire, lass. It might make it more fun when I kill ye." The Scotsman growled like a feral animal, bearing his fangs for the Demon to see.
Maze saw the opportunity and distance for her to run up and pounce, knives first.
And she did.

As the pair fought, an unfamiliar face watched on; the victim's talisman wrapped tightly in his fist.
But by the time Maze had successfully (if not messily) dosed Andrew with Vervain and put him down, the figure had disappeared into the night.

Later that evening, back at Lucifer's penthouse, Andrew found himself bound to a chair with ropes soaked in a Vervain solution to keep him weak.
"Cheeky wee sods. Can't a man get a bite to eat without being kidnapped in this God forsaken town?" The Vampire sneered.
"A man, yes." Rayna sighed, sipping her glass of blood right in front of her hungry foe. "But a monster?" She set her glass down on a tiny end table on the end of Lucifer's couch and moved over to her homicidal hostage without making eye contact with him once. "You must be joking, Andrew."
"Unbound me, Witch. I'll show you what the punchline is." The red haired immortal looked up at her with black eyes.
"Good one." Rayna snorted sarcastically. "I think I first used that comeback about two centuries ago. Now, Maze told us about the Witch's talisman. What is it for and who did you give it to?"
Andrew let out a deep, bellowing laugh. "You'll kill me before I tell ye, my dear sire."
"Oh no, that was me being nice. Me being not nice would be to take the paste I've prepared on that coffee table and extract the memory from you." The Heretic cocked an eyebrow.
Andrew's eyes glanced over to the bowl of beige paste for a fraction of a second before drawing his attention back to the woman before him.
Rayna looked around at her company and shrugged.
Lucifer stood; leaning against the newly-installed piano with a glass of Scotch, watching on with what Rayna swore could be pride in his eyes. Maze had her knives at the ready, her expression that of excitement and death. Chloe stood out of the way by the bar, trying to block out her moral compass. This, after all, was still technically a kidnapping and torture, possibly even more if things didn't pan out.
"Can we just get this over with already? My knives are thirsty." Maze rolled her eyes.
"Not until we know for sure that there isn't a threat." The Detective sighed, rubbing her face in frustration.
Maze, in turn, looked to Rayna for clarification.
"Chloe's right. We're not here to torture him, we're here to get the information we need and then deal with him accordingly." She said.

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