Chapter Twenty-Three - Elemental Magic

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Something didn't feel right.
A month had been and gone, but Rayna woke up one morning with a terrible feeling in the pit of her stomach – and it wasn't the baby moving around.
"Just had a call from the Detective." Lucifer said, walking into the bedroom. "She says she needs you on a case."
"Did she tell you any of the details?" Rayna asked.
"No, but she did say that it was unusual."
Rayna nodded, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes before getting up and going to get dressed.
Once in a maternity dress Lucifer had bought her – a plain black halter neck maxi dress – some ballet style slip ons and a flow-y black sleeved shawl, she and Lucifer made their way out to the crime scene.

Venice Beach looked as beautiful as ever. The sun glistened on the calm waters, the sand glowed white and gold.
It could've been considered perfect if it weren't for the crime scene tape and the dead body.
"Hey Chloe." Rayna smiled, walking up to the Detective.
"Thank God you're here." She sighed, embracing the Heretic in a hug.
"What seems to be the problem?" Lucifer asked.
"One victim. Mark Goddard, aged twenty-seven. He drowned." Chloe explained.
"Makes sense... he was at the beach. It happens." Rayna frowned. "I'm not seeing why I've been brought in."
Chloe let out a singular chuckle.
"He had Thalassophobia." She said.
"The fear of the ocean." Rayna's frown fell deeper.
"Exactly. He never stepped foot near the water. Witnesses saw him stand up and just start coughing up water. The he fell and just... Died."
"I see why you wanted Rayna now." Lucifer nodded to himself.
"Well it certainly sounds like magic. Luci, what's Maze doing concerning James?"
"She said she was pulling back until you – and I quote – 'stop being such a bore and decides what she wants me to do with him'. So I think she's just doing her own thig right now." Lucifer shrugged.
Rayna groaned, running her fingers through her hair.
"I told her to hold back and watch him. Not abandon the whole thing entirely." She shouted.
"Alright, alright. Calm down." Chloe put her hands out towards the stressed Heretic. "She's at mine with Trixie. I'll call Dan and ask him if he can watch Trix whilst Maze gets her ass back on the case."
"I can't believe she'd do this. She knows how important tracking James is."
"Why don't we just focus on the case in hand." Lucifer suggested.
Rayna sighed heavily. "Alright."

"There's been another one." Chloe said less than twenty minutes later.
"Where?" Rayna asked.
"At the Precinct, if you can believe it. The victim was in a holding cell waiting to be processed when he just suffocated out of nowhere."
"Drowning and now asphyxiation? If I didn't think this was magic before, I do now."
"Ella's there now. She's seeing if there's any logical way this man could've died." Chloe confirmed.
"Who's Ella?" Rayna wondered aloud.
"She's our new forensic scientist. She's a little..."
"Irritating?" Lucifer raised an eyebrow.
"Bubbly." Chloe finished, glaring at the Devil.
"I suppose you've got to be, doing that job." Rayna chuckled.

Rayna stood in the cell, looking over the body.
His lips were almost purple, the surrounding skin a tinted blue. His eyes were open, their last look of horror still imprinted in his expression. The whites of his eyes were bloodshot and consumed with burst veins. His hands remained round his neck, red nail marks still cascading down his windpipe from failed attempts to grasp air.
"Jesus..." The Heretic breathed.
"Well, he's no use. Just like bloody always..." Lucifer mumbled.
Rayna elbowed the Devil's ribs as a response, earning a pitiful 'ow' in return.
Just then, Chloe ran in.
"Another?" The immortal asked.
"Two more. Another asphyxiation except this woman's mouth and god knows what else was filled with dirt. The other victim is unidentifiable as they appear to have spontaneously combust." The Detective said.
Rayna frowned. "Water, air, earth and fire..." She mumbled to herself.
"It would seem so." Chloe nodded, just as she got a text. "Oh, you're going to want to see this."
She turned her phone around to show Rayna. It was a picture.
Written in soot on the wall behind the fire victim were the words 'where it all began'.
"I know who's done this." She sighed. "It looks like we're going on a little trip to Scotland."

"Why do this and then drag you all the way to the UK?" Chloe asked as they exited the elevator at Lux.
"To get my attention." Rayna said. "And they've got it."
"They?" Lucifer raised an eyebrow.
The three walked into the bedroom, the other two watching as Rayna ransacked her closet.
"I've seen this scale of Elemental Magic before." She told them. "It was James and Andrew's parents' speciality. I don't know how yet, but James has managed to resurrect his family. Even without the talisman."
"That must've taken a colossal amount of power." Lucifer pointed out.
"Which is why I'm so confused as to how he did it. I would've felt that amount of energy." Rayna sighed, grabbing a duffle bag from the bottom of Lucifer's closet. "And we all know by now that I don't like not knowing."
"Hold on. We don't even know for sure that James managed to resurrect his family. Maybe this is just him playing with you." Chloe said.
"No. Elemental Magic isn't James' style and neither is cold-blooded murder. A vengeful couple of Elemental Witches, however..." Rayna trailed off.
"Why would they be targeting you, though? You weren't responsible for their deaths." Chloe frowned.
"I was responsible for Andrew's death though. And if his parents are back, so is he." The Heretic replied, opening Lucifer's safe to grab a few wads of cash. "We need to go. Chloe, you're staying here. I'm not putting your life in danger any more than you already have. Lucifer, call Maze and Amenadiel. We're going on a Witch hunt."

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