nineteen → tech rehearsal

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Reagan walked into school the following morning with dread looming over her. She was not ready to see Ricky and explain why she had been ignoring him all weekend, and she was definitely not ready to watch he and Nini be together again. 

She carried out her usual morning routine of heading to her locker and then Nora's without any sight of the curly-haired boy. 

"You can't avoid him forever, you know?" Nora smiled sympathetically at her now fidgety best friend. 

Reagan sighed, tightening the grip on her binder. "I know, I just. I'm embarrassed I guess...It's not like he knows that I ever went there to confess my feelings but I still am... I don't know how to act around him anymore."

Nora stopped walking to face her friend. "Listen, Ricky made a dumb mistake that night because you and I both know that you're the one for him, not her. And I know it sucks, but you just have to act like you did before and hope that over time you move on."

"Yeah I know," the brunette sighed. "Easier said than done though."

The two continued walking and chatting - catching up on the rest of their Thanksgiving break. But as they noticed swarm of fireman going in and out of the bomb shelter, their conversation immediately died down. 

"What the hell happened in here?" Nora asked, as the two rushed to Carlos' side. 

"It's okay, nobody was hurt!" Miss Jenn announced to the group of theater kids that had gathered in front of the horrific sight. "There was a small fire in the theater over the holiday and the sprinklers did their job."

Small gasps escaped the mouths of the students, as they all glanced around at each other nervously. 

"Unfortunately the show cannot go on," one of the firefighters broke the news to Miss Jenn. "The fire ripped through half your costumes, and the sprinklers ruined your sets."

Reagan felt her heart sink in as she gripped Nora's hand. 

"Did she say costumes," Kourtney whispered sadly.

"Okay. Okay listen up." Miss Jenn turned around to grab the attention of her students. "Hug your neighbor, take a moment. Let's reconvene in the cafeteria after school to talk about options. Reagan and Ricky, spread the word."

"Got it." Reagan nodded at Miss Jenn, while Ricky simply stared at the girl who had been ignoring him all weekend.

She could feel his stare on her, but instead she grabbed Nora's arm and walked away.

"Reagan wait!" he called out, pushing through the crowded hallway to get to her.

Reagan sucked in a deep breath, not ready to do this right now. Was this how Nini felt when she was breaking up with Ricky? 

"It's now or never," Nora nudged the girl before walking to the side of the hallway to give the two privacy.

"I choose never," Reagan mumbled to herself before Ricky finally appeared in front of her.

"Hey," he let out breathlessly.


"A-are you mad at me?" Ricky whimpered out. "B-because, I...Ive been trying to call you or see you all weekend and..."

The warning bell rang, causing a bit of chaos to erupt in the hallways as students scrambled to get to their classes.

"I'm not mad at you, I promise. I can't do this right now, though, I'm gonna be late to class," she sighed, "We'll talk later." Reagan shot him a soft smile before walking away.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 → RICKY BOWENWhere stories live. Discover now