eighteen → the ellis'

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For the rest of Thanksgiving break, Reagan had managed to avoid Ricky at all costs. He'd frequently swing by her house, asking Wesley or Madeline - depending who'd open the door - if Reagan was there, but they were quick to find an excuse covering for her. They knew. Of course they knew. 

That night Reagan had barely made it through the front door before sobbing. Wes had just been heading to the front door to walk his girlfriend Tati out, when he saw his sister hauled up in the corner, shaking. The two were quick to comfort Reagan as she cried her heart out. She had eventually dozed off, her body tired from the emotional night. Wes set her to bed with no idea what had caused an outbreak like that. 

As she woke the next morning, for a fraction of a second Reagan had forgot all about the night prior's events. But then it all came back to her, and a dark cloud lingered over her the entire day. Eventually she had to explain to her family what had happened last night, and they were all nothing but kind about it. Wes had even threatened to go over and punch Ricky in the face, but Reagan insisted that none of this was his fault.

It really wasn't, though. There was nothing anyone could've done to avoid heartbreak in that situation. In reality, as much as it hurt to think about, Reagan was truly happy for Ricky and Nini. They had finally found their way back to each other. Reagan would just have to get over it and be happy for her best friend.

And so by the time Sunday rolled around, Reagan was somewhat back to her normal self. Of course, the thought of having to see Ricky tomorrow and spend all day at tech rehearsals was stressing her out. It didn't help that Ricky had been blowing up her phone all weekend; convinced she was ignoring him.... which she technically was, so explaining that wasn't going to be fun.

When Reagan made her way downstairs for breakfast that morning, she was greeted with blank stares from her Step-Mom and Dad, Wesley nervously sitting besides them. 

"What's going on?" she asked nervously, as she took a seat next to Wes. The last time they were all seated like this, her mother was there too. 

"So I got a call late last night from Salt Lake Medical Center," Peter began, "Your Mom was checked in there..." he trailed off.

"What happened?" Wes questioned.

"Well the doctor didn't tell me much, so I - uh - called her, to make sure everything was ok.." he sighed, "Apparently she's been sick for quite sometime... and I guess it's just gotten really worse. She's not sure how much time she's got left."

There was an ache in Reagan's chest hearing the news. That was why her mother had called the other day... she was probably trying to tell her that. And while of course, the news that her mother was dying was heartbreaking, it was also confusing. She was sad because someone was dying, not because it was her mother. She felt like barely even knew the woman, so really what was there to be extremely upset about.

"Damn," Wes muttered, feeling in a similar boat as his sister.

"S-should we go see her?" Reagan mumbled. Truth be told, it was probably the last thing Reagan wanted. Her mother left her when she needed her the most. There was not a single ounce of love left for that woman in her body. But something told her she needed to go. She needed to get that closure so she could never regret leaving anything unsaid. 

"She asked if you would," her Dad softly smiled. "And if that's something you'd want to do, then I think she'd appreciate that. But hun, remember you don't have to if you don't want to."

Reagan glanced over at her brother. "Would you want to?"

Wes sighed, before nodding. "There's a part of me that feels like we owe her nothing, but she's dying... and I think we'd both regret it if we didn't get to say goodbye this time."

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