seven → throb

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Nora had caught a mild cold and was out sick, so Reagan was dreading sitting through her calculus class all alone today. She slipped into her usual seat, but was surprised to see someone had sat down next to her moments later. A cute brunette boy someone.

"Hey," he smiled, "I'm Asher...Asher Adams"

Reagan smiled back at the boy, "I'm Reagan, Reagan Ellis."

Asher leaned his elbow on the desk, his hand holding his neck up. "I, uh, I know Nora usually sits here but she was absent in my physics class and I wanted to talk to you so I decided to sit here today, and uh yeah..." he let out deep breath from his run on sentence. "I can move if you want me too."

It was cute how nervous he was around her. "No, of course not. Um, why did you want to talk to me?" she asked, pushing away a strand of hair that had fallen out of her messy bun.

"I think you're really cute, and uh I guess I wanna get to know you."

Reagan felt a blush rising to her cheeks. "That's so sweet Asher. Uh Miss Giuliani said we need to work in pairs today, if you want to be my partner?"

Asher nodded.

And as the two started working on their calculus assignment, they also got to know a little bit more about each other. Reagan learned Asher had two younger sisters - one in middle school and one in elementary - he was captain of the school's football team and was a huge robotics nerd.

After class, Reagan began packing up her things making sure she got to rehearsals on time. Miss Jenn mentioned she had some new dance that Gina and Nora choreographed for her to learn.

"Hey Reagan," Asher called out, causing her to look up from her backpack. "Can I get your number?"

"Yeah of course." she smiled. Deep down she had butterflies swirling around her stomach. No one really ever had a crush on her before, as far as she knew. The two exchanged phone numbers, before he offered to walk her to practice.
To any outsider it was so obvious that there was something happening between the two based on their shy smiles and rosy red cheeks.

Before they had even made it half way to their destination, Reagan's name was called out across the hall. She turned to see Gina and Ricky making their way over. "Hey Ray," Ricky smiled at the girl before eyeing the boy next to her.

"Hey Rick, hey Gina." she smiled at her friends, "This is Asher." she said gesturing towards the boy next to her.

"Hey Asher," Gina greeted the boy, where as Ricky just did one of those tight-lipped head nods.

Asher had picked up on the uncomfortable look that Ricky was giving him, and now wanted to get out of this situation. "Hey," he turned to Reagan, "I should get going. I need to get home before my little sister."

"Oh yeah, no worries!" Reagan smiled at the boy. "Thanks for walking with me." she blushed.

"My pleasure. I'll text you," he smiled, before waving goodbye to Gina and Ricky.

Just as Asher was out of earshot, Gina squealed, "UM you guys are so cute."

Reagan blushed, giggling. "Shut up."

"I want to hear all about it, but Carlos texted me that Miss Jenn needs me now. BUT me you and Nora are having a sleepover tomorrow night since we're off on Wednesday and I want to know everything." she narrowed her eyes at my before jogging towards the bomb shelter.

"Jesus Ricky," the girl exclaimed, scrunching her nose up in disgust of the overwhelming smell she finally noticed coming from the boy. "What the hell did you do? Bathe in cologne?"

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