chapter eight

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WATER. I need water. My throat feel so dry. I move my body slightly to adjust my self on the  bed. As I opened my eyes, I saw a figure sitting at the chair beside my bed. Vaughn. A smile slowly appears on my face as I remember what happened. I bring myself up to sit beside the bed and stare at the person in front of me.

He never leave. Just like what he said.

I don't know what to feel. For the first time in my whole damn life, my heart feel so full. I think this is what people call happiness. A genuine one.

He move for a bit and yawn then when he noticed that I am awake, he immediately reach out to me touch my forehead.

"Your fever is gone. Thank goodness. Are you okay? What do you need?"

"I'm okay. I woke up because I'm thirsty. My throat is so dry."

"Okay, I'll go get water." I was about to stop him because I don't want to bother his sleep but he moves so fast. No wonder he works at the ER.

He's back with a pitcher of water and a glass on his both hands. He fill the glass with water and pass it to me. I emptied the glass and place it on the bedside table near us.

"How do you feel?" He ask as he sit back on his chair.

"Seriously, I'm good. I told you. Rest and sleep is all I need."

"And a very good doctor. Right?" I laugh at him.

"Yes. A very good and handsome doctor."

"I couldn't agree more!"

"What time is it?" I asked as I lie down at my bed.

"It's only 2:45 AM. You need to sleep again."

"How about you? Sleeping in chair is so uncomfortable. Do you want sleep here with me?"

"Are you sure? Will you be okay?"

"Of course. You took care of me. And I don't want you to have stiff neck when you wake up. My personal doctor is so precious so sleeping in bed is nearly a small thing I could do." He laugh and we stare for a second. A wide smile is evident in our faces.

"Can I use your bathroom? I feel so sticky."

"Yeah, sure. Get some clothes in my cabinet also."

"Is that okay?"

"Of course. You have to be comfortable moving around here from now on." He look so shock for a moment and I laugh.

"Are you flirting with me right now?"

"You decide." I can't stop my self from laughing as his cheeks turns so red. He's blushing!

He put both of his hands on his face and annoyingly looked at me. "I'll just go to the bathroom." He stormed out of my room immediately.

The door of my room opened and it was Vaughn wearing a pajamas and white shirt that looks so fitted to him. He has a very broad shoulders.

"My clothes look so tiny to you." I said as he sit beside me so I move back for a bit to give him some space.

"Because you are so small."

"I am 6 ft flat and you are calling me small?"

"Yes because I am 6'3 ft and I am bigger and taller than you so you are small for me."

I laugh at him and pull myself up to sit as I lean my back on the frame of the bed. "What kind of logic is that? Come here I'll help you dry your hair." I extended my arms so I could get the towel on his hand. He move closer to me so we are facing each other.

I place the towel in his head and start drying his hair slightly and slowly that makes him close his eyes. "This is my first time drying someones hair."

"Can I be your first and last one for that?" He opened his eyes and we both look at each other. I leaned closer to kiss his forehead.

"Let's try our best to become the first or if not, the last of everything to each other."

He leaned closer this time and also planted a kiss on my forehead. "Okay. We'll try our best."

When he's done fixing himself, he come to bed and lie down next to me. He extended his arm so I adjusted my self and lean in his chest. Comfortable. It is so comfortable that when I close my eyes I am dozing off immediately. But before I completely surrender myself to a good sleep, I feel a soft kiss in my forehead. I smiled.

After so many years, I found myself praying.

I hope all of this is not only a dream. That tomorrow when I woke up he is still beside me. I know I am not a good person. It is too greedy for me to pray for better days ahead with this person but I want to take my chances.

I don't want to be alone anymore.

And if you insist to mess my life even more and make all of this as a dream, it will be devastatingly painful.

the universe of usTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon