Yamamoto X Tanaka

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very mild smut warning ahead for those who only like fluff (Its super mild smut since I've never written smut before cut me some slack)

On a Wednesday Nekoma and Karasuno has to practice together, having a playful match. Everyone was having fun but Tanaka could shake the feeling of being watched. 

"Hey Tanaka come with me I need to tell you something." His best-friend whispered as he pulled him aside. 

"Yeah whats up?!" He said a little too loud. 

"Haven't you noticed Yamamoto has been staring at you?" Noya questioned, "Is there something between you guys?" 

"What?" Tanaka's hot headed self felt mad and jumped to the conclusion Yamamoto had a problem with him all of the sudden. "Maybe he's jealous." Tanaka grumbled. 

"I... I dont think so?" Noya said but before he could go on a voice his opinion of 'he looks a little flushed so he probably thinks you're hot.' Asahi grabbed Noya's hand.

"Hey we have to go, practice is over so c'mon, I have to hurry back home... You're coming with me right?" Noya looked over at Asahi and nodded with a smile. 

"Don't do anything stupid bro, see you tomorrow." Noya left waving with one hand, the other being held by Asahi. 

"That sucker Yamamoto is gonna get it." (EXACTLY WHEN I TYPED THAT CARELESS WHISPER STARTED PLAYING IN MY SHUFFLED PLAYLIST WTF I KNOW I RARELY DO AUTHORS NOTES DURING THE STORY BUT IM-) Tanaka said as he clenched a fist, ready to fight. "Where is he?" He looked around and saw Yamamoto walking out, he quickly grabbed his stuff and ran over to Yamamoto. "Hey! Whats your problem?" 

"What? Me?" Yamamoto turned. 

"Yeah! You've been staring!" Tanaka accused. 

"Oh you noticed?" Yamamoto smirked and walked towards Tanaka but when he got close Tanaka punched him. 

"Hey! Do not fight!" Daichi yelled as he stomped over from inside the gym. "Tanaka what is with you?" But before he got close enough Yamamoto tackled Tanaka to the ground and they both fell with a thud. "That's enough!" Daichi yelled and grabbed the back of Yamamotos jacket, pulling him off of Tanaka. 

"It was his fault. He started it." Tanaka blamed Yamamoto and crossed his arms. 

"No. Both of you. I never want this behavior especially from a teammate. I want both of you to go back in and completely organize the storage room, I want it spotless." The two boys whined. "Whine all you want but things have consequences. Now go!" Daichi tossed the keys at Tanaka. "Both of you get your act straight, and lock up when you guys are done. Everyone else left already and I'm leaving too, I dont wanna deal with brats." Daichi left to his car.

"Look at what you got us into!" Tanaka yelled and made his way back inside, he walked into the big storage room where everything was kept, he left his bag of stuff outside the room and started to organize, not caring about Yamamoto. 

"What is your deal?" Yamamoto said as he leaned on the now closed door. 

"You're the one staring! Whats yours?" Tanaka said in annoyance, standing up and walking up to Yamamoto.

"Staring doesn't mean I want to fight you, you idiot, clearly you don't get it." 

"Don't get what?" Tanaka said as he crossed hims arms and flexed his biceps as if to show off he isn't scared to fight. 

"Have you ever had someone like you?" Yamamoto questioned, arching a brow in a condescending manner.  

"All the time!" 

"Clearly not."

"What does that even have to do with this." 

"I like you." Yamamoto stated bluntly. 

"Wha-" But before Tanaka could finished Yamamoto turned them and slammed him against the the door, Tanaka grunted at the harsh contact he made with the door. "Whats your probl-" he was cut off yet again as Yamamoto roughly kissed him. Tanaka was taken aback since he never thought about boys this way, but he couldn't help the blush that crept up to his face. Yamamoto forcefully pressed his body against Tanaka and a loud groan vibrated through the room. 

"How are you so dense you thought I wanted to fight you." Yamamoto said as he pressed his face on Tanaka's neck.

"With how rough you're being I think we are fighting." Tanaka gasped as he tried to calm his racing heart. 

"It looks like you like it though." Yamamoto said as he pressed his thigh between Tanaka's legs, "If you want me to stop tell me, I will stop if you want me to."

Tanaka pressed his eyes shut as the feeling warmed his whole body, "No. Don't stop." Tanaka grabbed Yamamoto's hand and placed it on his own chest. Yamamoto smirked and rubbed his hand down Tanaka's body. When he reached the hem of the shirt he grabbed it and pulled the shirt up, using both hands he took Tanaka's shirt off, "Ow can you at least calm down? You almost ripped off my head with the shirt." a short silence followed as Yamamoto took off his own shirt and jacket.

"Oh shut up. The shirt didn't hurt you, you just want to complain." Yamamoto said as he rubbed Tanaka's sides in an up and down motion, as if to warm up that heated body. Tanaka grabbed Yamamoto's shoulders and pulled him close, licking along his collarbone, and when he reached the shoulder he bit down strongly. Yamamoto grunted in pain and pushed Tanaka back onto the door, making Tanaka moan loudly. 

"Ow c'mon I didn't even bite that hard." Tanaka whined as he stretched out his back as much as he could while being pressed against the door. 

"I don't care." Yamamoto said and roughly kissed Tanaka again, this time he bit Tanaka's bottom lip and pulled it back. Both of their eyes fluttered open and they stared at each other though heavy eyes and Tanaka started thrusting up into Yamamoto's muscular body. Tanaka wrapped his arms tightly onto Yamamoto and Yamamoto's hands made their way down to Tanaka's hips and with a strong grip he pushed Tanaka's hip against the door just to pull the back onto his body. They started to grind hard onto eachother since there was not much else to do in the storage room but they were so desperate for each other this was enough. Tanaka moaned as all the feeling up and kissing got to him and pleasure shook through his body, Yamamoto smirked against Tanaka's lips. "I lasted longer." He teased and Tanaka scoffed and glared at Yamamoto. 

"I don't care." Tanaka stubbornly mumbled even though his hands trailed down Yamamoto's to help him finish. 

"We need to wash up..." Yamamoto said in embarrassment, "Let's go to the showers." Yamamoto smiled and pecked Tanaka's lips lightly. 

"Ok but dont try anything funny," Tanaka said is a playful tone, earning a chuckle from Yamamoto. Tanaka grabbed his hand and pulled him along to the gyms showers. //

The person who requested didn't have any preferences so I just typed up what I felt like writing... i've never written smut so cut me some slack! I was listening to bachata so it felt right to write smut heh,,, even thou it was very very mild... anyways I hope you guys enjoyed    

Requested by the lovely deppyyyyyyyyyyyy 

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