Iwazumi × Yamaguchi

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Ik I'm late

It all started with Yamaguchi being trained by Oikawa after Oikawa graduated and decided to be a personal coach.

One day Iwazumi decided to see for himself if the boy his best friend was training became any good.

Iwa walked into the gym and when he saw Yamaguchi he lost his train of thought, the younger boy was now looking more mature and had a few more freckles than last time. He also had longer hair and some ear piercings. All in all he looked stunning.

After watching him play for awhile he decided to ask him out for dinner or at least to just hang out. Yamaguchi of course agreed to go out for dinner since he thought that Iwazumi was serving some good looks.

During dinner they got to know each other a lot more and both realized they didn't just want each other for looks but they where perfect for each other. Both calm and collected, sharing some hobbies and being completely opposites in other things.

"We should go to my place and you know, see where things go from there..." Yamaguchi said as he slowly moved his hand to hold the others.

"How about my apartment? It is closer." Iwazumi suggested.

"I don't care, I just wanna spend the night" Yamaguchi blushed and looked to the side.

"Alright, let's go"

And just like that both stood up and went to Iwazumi's apartment. When they got the Iwazumi did not hesitate if pushing the other against a wall and roughly kissing him.

"Aren't we taking this a little too fast?" Yamaguchi asked as he was dragged into the man's room.

"Oh who cares." Iwa said as he picked up and dropped Yamaguchi on his bed. Proceeding to get on top of the younger boy.

"True" Yama said right before being kissed once more. He slowly wrapped his legs around Iwazumi's waist as he finished taking off his shirt and slowly started to kiss Yamaguchi's neck.

Yamaguchi was quick to take his own shirt off and throwing it across the room.

Ok I'm sorry but I gotta leave this right here and also forgive me for not posting in FOREVER

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