Kuroo x Daichi

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After Karasuno had a match against Nekoma Kuroo decided that he would invite Daichi to a sleepover. Daichi reluctantly agreed, making Kuroo very happy.

When they got to Kurro's house they sat in Kuroo's bedroom and watched some volleyball matches.

After awhile Kuroo decides that he wants to play with Daichi.

"Let's play a game!"

"No." Daichi immediately said.

"Why not? C'mon the winner can do whatever they want with the loser." Kuroo insists.

"So if I win I get to make you sleep in the sofa and I'll sleep alone in your bed?" Daichi asks.

"Correct, not let's shake on it, after we shake on it there is no going back. No matter what." Kuroo warns.

"Mmm... Alright fine." Daichi reluctantly agreed once more.

"Alright, lets play the nervous game." Kuroo moves closer.

"Are you serious?! Dammit I already agreed." Daichi blushes. "Alright let's get this over with, I want the bed all for myself."

"Alright first one to who says stop looses." Kuroo sits next to Daichi and put his hand on Daichi's knee and Daichi returns the 'favor'. 

"I'll start." Daichi said knowing that he would have an advantage. He moves his hand up Kuroo's thigh and stops after a few inches, Kuroo does the same. They keep going but Daichi tenses up when Kuroo's hand is dangerously close to his crotch.

"Do you want me to stop" Kuroo smugly asks.

"No..." Daichi breathes out and slowly moves his hand up and blushes when he has no choice but to put his hand on Kuroo's dick.

"Are you sure?" Kuroo asks while he does the same to Daichi.

Daichi opens his mouth to reply but an awkward moan comes out so he just hums out a 'no' and shakes his head. He gasps and quickly asks "What do I do now?"

"Get creative I guess." Kuroo responds. Daichi just moves his hand up and rests it at his stomach. "That's all?". Daichi nods. Kuroo, instead of doing the same puts his hand in Daichi's pants.

"What are you doing?!" Daichi exclaims.

"Trying to get you to say 'stop'" Kuroo smiles innocently. Daichi then does the same. "I'm loving this game." Kuroo whispers then moves his hand around but stops when Daichi said stop.

"Are you sure? I mean, you just got excited."Daichi blushes a lot more and nods. "OK then I guess I, the winner, get laid to do whatever I want with you, the loser." Kuroo said and pulled off Daichi's pants.

"What are you doing?!" Daichi pulls his shirt down.

"Getting my prize." Kuroo smiles.

"Ok..." Daichi grabs Kuroo's shirt and pulls him toward him and kisses him roughly.

"I like that you're not holding back." Kuroo chuckles.

"Shut up." Daichi mumbles against Kuroo's lips then wraps his legs around Kuroo's waist.

"Kill me with those thighs." Kuroo laughs then gets punched on his stomach.

This was really awkward to write sooo that's why I had to end it like that, sorryyyy

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