Chapter 5

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Seth POV:

Once the ache in my heart slowly fades away, I rub my chest lightly and lift my gaze to look at Godmother, but she is not here. What? Where is she? It's not possible. She and the ball of energy had disappeared without giving me the answers to what I wanted. I'm helpless again.

"Godmother!" I yell as I look around the room in search of her. There's no evidence of her appearance. "You shouldn't go like this." I fall to my knees and palm my face, crying hard. I don't know how I will bring my husband back. What will I do anymore? Who can help me with this?

Suddenly, some feather-like thing touches my head and gives me a feeling of it. I move my hand up and run it over my hair, finding a feather. My mind gets confused again because of not knowing the reason behind it. I look over the thing for a long moment and find it is a raven feather. Why did Godmother give this feather to me? Will it help to find Dean?

My thoughts are interrupted when Roman and my friends approach me to know what has happened

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My thoughts are interrupted when Roman and my friends approach me to know what has happened. It means they're not evidenced to anything even if they are here. He pulls me up and takes me to the couch, making me sit on it. They all sit beside me and look at me curiously. 

Alexa grabs the feather from me and looks over it a few times before giving it to Roman. He looks over the feather just like her before asking, "It's a raven feather. What's in this?"

"I don't know," I mumble and grab the feather from him before placing it on the coffee table. No change happens in it, so I take it frustratedly and put it in my pocket. I hope it will help some other time. Godmother wouldn't give this feather on purposely if it didn't help.

Carmella takes my hand and holds it in her, squeezing it gently to comfort me. It helps nothing, but I don't say anything. "What did your Godmother tell?" She asks and looks at me carefully, wanting to know every detail in hope of getting any hint.

I recall the moment with Godmother before spilling out each detail. "She showed me how much Dean's parents were suffering under the control of Nosferatu vampires. And also my Dean's heart!" I sigh and close my eyes with the image of my love's heart. It kills me, and I try hard not to weep again.

"What?!" They ask in unison and look at me unbelievably. 

Roman places his hand on mine and says hopefully this time, "I can't believe what I hear. If Dean's heart still beat, he must be alive somewhere. Did your Godmother say something about it?"

"Yeah... When I told her that I couldn't live without him, she told 'you tell me that you can't live without Dean, but now your life is with you, which means,'... I don't understand the meaning behind it. I tried hard to get an obvious answer, but she didn't bring me that chance." I say in a frustrated tone and keep encouraging myself not to lose the small faith that is except in my heart.

We all think about the sentence in silence until Alexa yells and gets our attention, "I got it! Seth can't live without Dean, but his life is with him. That means if Seth is alive, Dean must be alive somewhere, even if he has no heart."

It brings a smile to my lips as I get into a clarification. Thank God! Even though my heart is happy, a single drop of tear fall from my eye, and I feel something glow in my jacket. I slip my hand inside the pocket and get the feather from it. The feather glistens and moves in the air to scribble something on the coffee table.

"Your love is where you are..."

When the sentence has been completed, the feather falls near it. We look at each other for a moment and appreciate it. I take the feather and kiss it wholeheartedly before slipping it back into my pocket. I then look over the sentence carefully and smile softly. "Dean is in Ohio! Almost somewhere near me.."

I get up immediately to search for my husband, but my knees get weak and make me fall over Roman. I can feel him shaking me gently to know what's happening, but I don't say anything. I feel dizzy, and my stomach starts growling. My eyes change into golden color as I sense the blood of humans. I move away from him and make my way upstairs to my room, wanting to stay away from my friends. It's the only way that nothing awful will happen to them because of me.

Before entering my room, I fall again and crawl on the floor helplessly to get inside. Roman comes over and helps me, holding me against him. "Seth, look at me. What is going on?"

I try to push him away, but he doesn't let me go. I don't know what to do. It's getting serious. My tongue glides across the aching fangs as my eyes focus on him. "Let me go, Roman. I can't be with you now. My stomach growls, so I need blood... blood!" I mumble and pull his hands away from me forcefully.

"Your thirsty won't get away if you lock yourself in the room. Just stay here. I'll be in minutes." He says and lets me sit on the floor. He runs down the stairs and stops midway to look over at our friends. "Take care of him." He looks at me one last time before leaving the house.

Twenty-five minutes later, he returns to the house with a bag in his hand. He opens it and pulls out a blood bag, giving it to me. It should be appreciated. I give him a weak smile and get inside the room with a blood bag, not wanting them to feel uncomfortable.

I drink the blood until a satisfied hum leaves out of my mouth. It's peaceful. I lick my lips and lean against the door to let the hemoglobin flow through me when I get my fill. My breathing starts to even out. After becoming relaxed enough, my eyes turn into their original brown color. I open the door slowly and look at them awkwardly, not knowing what they think about me.

Roman pats my shoulder and nods at me without showing the uncomfortableness in his face. "Are you feeling good now?"

I nod and mumble, "Thank you."

Those words are left from my heart for accepting me. I lean against Roman and wrap my arms around him, hoping everything will be all right. I look up at him when he shakes me gently, "We can stay like this forever, but we should find Dean to bring those smiles back on your face." He says, giving me a small smile.

I nod and pull myself away from him to execute the task. We get out of the house and make our way in separate directions to find Dean. It will be helpful. I promise I'll never return to this house until seeing my husband. Like a leaf that drops on the river and is carried away by the same river, my heart is following only him. I use my vampire speed and search him in entire Ohio for four days, but I can't locate him.

I feel exhausted and look around the place frustrated, still having hope in my eyes. By staying in my eyes, he's making me restless. "Tell me the way to reach you, Dean. I have nothing else except your love." I mumble, palming my face and taking a deep breath. As I drop my hands down, my eyes meet with a tree and stare at it until a raven comes and sits on it. I look over at it for a few minutes until something comes to my mind.

I take the feather from my pocket and hold it in the air. It gets out of my grip and flies in the air in the blink of an eye. I use my vampire speed and follow it until it reaches the place where I get started to search for him. It means he settles somewhere here...

The sky gets darkened already, but it doesn't matter because I can see the feather by its glistening power. I stop on my track when it falls like an ordinary feather without glazing. I get frustrated again because I have followed this feather without blinking my eyes for the past two days with hope, but now it lies on the ground like nothing.

I toe carefully through the leaf litter and kneel to pick up the feather. My heart beats heavy in my chest, not knowing what to do now. As I get up from the ground, someone holds me from rearward and places their hand on my throat. "You really don't fucking learn, do you?" A man snarls, his words vibrating into my body. "You don't wander around in the forest in the middle of the fucking night. It doesn't end well."

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