Chapter 4

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Roman POV:

I look around Dean's house with my friends to find Seth, but he doesn't catch in our eyes. I don't know why he plays hide and seek with us. Even if I don't see him, I can feel his appearance here. It's what hurts me. Sighing loudly, I return to the living room and look around once again in search of him. I get frustrated with his behavior. I don't know what to do. "Seth, I know you're here. Please come out.." I shout helplessly, hoping he will be please to see me again.

Carmella places her hand on my arm and squeezes it gently before nodding at me. "Seth, we knew everything that happened in your life. We're here to help you.." She raises her voice and tries to convince him, but it doesn't work out, so Alexa gets things into her hands and calls him like early days, "Seth, I knew how much you loved Dean. It doesn't help if you keep yourself locked in this house, so please come out and let us help you."

To be a surprise, he gives respect to her words and swirls like the wind as soon as she mentions Dean's name. His sudden appearance gives us a hard time processing everything we've just witnessed. It's really unbelievable. He pushes passed away and approaches Alexa, pulling her into a hug and mumbling against her skin. "Will you help me find him?"

She nods and rubs small circles on his back, trying to comfort him. She then pulls away from him and cups his cheek, giving him a small smile. "I will. How are you?"

"That doesn't matter. How can you help me find my husband?" He asks with hope in his eyes. His only intention is to find Dean and reach him, so he gives no attention to other things. It's what love! It really brings goosebumps to my skin, even if I don't appreciate it.

When Carmella understands his mentality, she grabs his hand and takes him to the couch, making him sit on it. "We can help if you tell us what has happened after Dean gets disappeared." She says, hoping to get any hint about Dean's disappearing. Her mind will work as a detective usually so she can help him with it.

He stares at her for a few moments before going back to his worst day and visualizing everything. It would be accurate. "When I found Dean's locket, I disappeared from the vampire's world and fell into this house with my memories back." He says in a broken voice and tries not to break down in front of us.

It gets my attention more than all of it. "Memories back! What does it mean?" I ask and place my hand on his thigh, getting more confused than before.

His body shudders at my question and tenses up under my touch. There's something big that he's hiding from me again. He hangs his head low and plays with his fingers, trying to approach the right way. "Ugh... When Dean took me from here, he erased all my memories of you so I couldn't remember anything." He mumbles and looks up at us before adding quickly, "He did all this because of the love he had in me."

However, as he tries to save him, it only fuels the anger for separating my cousin from me for those painful years. I need to punish him for that. Even if it's not big, I will give him at least a single slap. Now, I have to concentrate on helping Seth and bringing those smiles back to his face.

We sit together in complete silence for a few minutes and try to find a way to bring Dean back, but nothing comes to our minds. Frustratedly, we search online and watch vampire movies for some ideas, but neither of them doesn't help. 

As time goes on, Seth growls and rubs his face with his hand, losing his hope. To give him a poor appreciation, Alexa throws her hands in the air and yells in exhaustion, "Oh, God! It's more difficult than I have imagined."

"I got it." Carmella grins and pulls the confused Alexa into a hug. She then turns her attention back to us and tells what hit her mind, "You know we pray to God if we want something. Likewise, vampires must have some God for themselves. So what I'm saying is, Seth, you have to call the God of vampires."

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