New job*

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"Am I see things?" Erik's said things as I walked out of my rooms. "Alina's never out of bed this early in the morning." I shot him a dirty look.
"I want to get to work early to make a good impression." I explained, while bending over to put my hair in a high ponytail. When I said this he scoffed.
"What?" I asked, offended.
"There's no point in faking. They'll find out tomorrow." He chastised.
"What do you mean they'll find out tomorrow?" I asked confused.
"You won't be able to get up early 2 days in a row." He predicted
"Yes I will." I fought.
"Let's make it a bet then." He dared "if you can get up early tomorrow, I'll admit your right."
"What if I don't?" I asked. Erik gave a small, evil smirk.
"You have to get up early for the rest of the month."
"Hypothetical question. What if I lose the bet and I don't get up early?" I asked.
"Then I get to wake you up in any way that pleases me." He said as his smirk grew bigger. I knew that this wasn't a good bet to make and the odds were against me, but I had never been one to lose a fight or to turn down a bet.
"Your on." I replied as I put on my cloak. "And on that note, I've got to go."

I had to talk to Erik about ways I could get to and from the lair to get to the opera house. I decided that I would take the route that would take me outside the opera house so that I would walk into the opera house like a normal person and I could take that one back too, although there was another one that could take me straight from the seamstress' room straight to the lair but I could only use it when no one else is around because then it would arouse suspicion.

I was shocked to find out that the only person who worked in the costume department was a lovely old lady named Gertrude Berger. I had suppress a laugh when she told me her name because I didn't want to explain that her name was considered a typical ugly name for old ladies. She explained to me that she usually just got costumes from old operas that could work as costumes in the present one and then just fitted them to the performer. Since she loved my designs and now that we had two people working on costumes, she said we could create some new ones for the leading characters and for the chorus and ballet we could just alter old costumes.

I was showing Gertrude some of the costumes I found that I thought would be good for the show and what scenes they would work for when a small voice filled our small workroom.
"Madame Berger, Madame Giry sent us to-" her voice stop when she saw me. "Your the lady that fainted during the performance a couple weeks ago." She observed as she continued looking at me. I also continued looking at her, since now that I was in the right frame of mind I actually take in what she looked like. She scarily looked like me when I was that age. She had a large nose, small lips, blue eyes and blonde hair all placed on round face. There were only small differences, like her hair was curly while mine was dead straight, she had slightly bigger eyes and a small amount of freckles.
"Yes I am." I smiled at her "I work here now."
"I realised that I forgot to tell me my name!" She babbled "I'm Christine Daaé! My papa was the famous violinist Gustave Daaé."
"Well it's nice to meet you Christine Daaé. My name is Alina Chevol, but I prefer to be called Nina." I replied. She was quite a sweet girl and quite bubbly to.
"I'm new here as well! My papa pasted away a couple of months ago so I was brought to the opera house to learn ballet in order to become a ballerina but I really want to be is Prima Donna because-" her rant was cut short by Gertrude.
"What did Madame Giry want to tell me again Christine." She asked, looking at me her gleaming eyes revealing that she was laughing on the inside.
"Oh! She wanted me to tell you that this year's ballet will be Tchaikovsky's Sleeping Beauty, so that you could have a head start on making the costumes." She blushed as she relayed the message she'd been told.
"Thank you, Christine. Can you also tell Madame Giry thank you." Gertrude asked, subtly signaling in a nice way for Christine to leave us.
Christine did take the hint and left, leaving Gertrude us alone again with our work. Gertrude told me that despite Christine being sweet, she was a massive chatter box and it was important to make sure she stayed on task because she was very easily distracted and spent most of her time with her head in the clouds. I did tell Gertrude that I thought it was fine that Christine was a bit whimsical as she was only 9 and still in her childhood. Gertrude explained to me that she heard that a ballerina's childhood end the moment they start ballet. Somehow that conversation turned into Gertrude talking about her grandchildren. I tried to stay active and interested in the conversation but it was really difficult task. Around 6pm Gertrude stated packing up, I tried telling her that I would stay back and get a little more work done, but she wouldn't hear of it. She said that she wouldn't let me stay late on my first day of work because it would burn me out. Gertrude was very persistent Despite my protests, so I did end up going home early. We ended up leaving just as everyone began getting ready for the performance that night. I made my way home by going through the passage way outside of the opera house. I quickly rushed down so that I could catch Erik before he went to the opera tonight.

"How was your first day of work?" Erik inquired as soon as I made it to the lair.
"Interesting." I responded, giving Erik no clue to how my day actually went.
"You can tell me more about it after I get back." He said as he put on his gloves.
"Your going already?" I whined "I raced down so I can spend time with you. I thought I had an hour before the opera began."
"I'll be back before you know it." He called out as he left the lair.

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