Chapter Seven

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----Eyre's PoV----

You do realize you need to wake up, right?

My legs were very sore from my last flying session.

They don't hurt as much as my wings.

Do you regret it?

Not a chance. But you have your second two classes today, so you really need to get up and go to school.

I've heard that combat/defence and survival are the two hardest classes.

They are.

Very helpful.

Ash's response to my last comment was a tail flick to the head, which really hurt, and then shoving me onto my feet and pushing me out of the stables.

Hey, don't worry. I'll be right here to talk to during class. Just don't zone out and stop paying attention.

I'm sorry, I have a lot to process.

What, that your great great grandfather was the first dragon rider, or that these people don't know Suni exists?

A bit of both, I replied as I walked into school.

You do realize that having a family reputation is a good thing, as is the fact that they can't drag your sisters into all of this.


I tripped over a pile of books on my way out to the main courtyard where we would meet for defence class. It was more of a combat class, but I didn't mind.

Our teacher, Velika Shadowflame- what is it with weird last names here- anyways, she didn't have a dragon like most teachers. I could hear purring, so I asked.

She had a lynx familiar. Apparently, the school wasn't just for dragons, but also the magically gifted. Some had dragons, some had familiars.

"Everyone, this is Bobby," Ms. Shadowflame said, "And you can call me Ms. Velika. My last name doesn't really flow off the tongue."

She had us mount our dragons and go out into the woods.

Finally, a good teacher.

Mr. Artweild and Ms. Shardson are good teachers! I protested.

A teacher that allows dragons to train with their riders. I like this Velika girl. And her familiar is-

Let me guess, adorable?

No, I was going to say very clever, smart, and regal.

You find humans cute and cats regal?

Don't humans find cats regal? Example: the lion king?

Fair point. Stop proving me wrong.

Where's the fun in that? Focus.

I almost hadn't noticed us landing. Ms. Velika had us all make a fire. Most of the fire faction had their dragons spark the fire.

Ms. Velika scolded, "What'll you do when you're separated from your dragon." I was happy that for once they were getting in trouble, "Take Ms. Sari for example."


Yeah, thanks for that.

I'd managed to start a fire without Ash's help. Now, the other fire faction boys probably hated me. I wish I could have seen the look on their faces when they were scolded, though.

It was priceless.

Ms. Velika then ran us through multiple survival drills. A howl sounded through the woods. Most of us were on edge and one girl even shrieked.

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