the last of their words

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I dont know what I was thinking,talking back to him like that..he yelled and hit me..BEAT me..I cant ask for help..or tell ANYONE what happened..or else the punishment will be worse..if they figure out what he did, or who HE is..let's just say things wont be pretty..

All I remember is getting tired of his bulls###, so i yelled, and he didnt take to kindly to it..he beat me till I began to bleed. And he hit me hard in the side of my head, and everything went black, and I woke up back in the anti void..the empty, quiet,lonely anti void..I knew at this point ink had probably made a few more aus wile I was unconscious..I felt my soul get heavy and it felt like it was burning. Theres another one.. the voices started screaming



Do your job! Or are you gonna fail at that too?


I opened my mouth to talk back to them, but I couldnt hear my voice. 'What??'
I tried to speak again, but there was nothing 'it feels like I'm talking..what the heck..?' I shake it off and stand up, opening a portal to the newest au ink created 'another dancetale..huh?' I walk through and look around. A little child looks at me, and smiles. I feel my soul grow heavy with guilt at destroying the place. But if I dont....

I spawned my strings..

I watch as there dust catch the wind and fly off...

I look at them as they run..but..I cant hear them..I see them scream...I see them run..but why cant I hear it...why cant I move..

I'm scared..

( hello guys! This is the end of the first chapter, of my first book!! Now I'm thinking of making this a ship book also, but im stuck between error x ink, or error x nightmare, so tell me what you think! If you dont want this to be a ship book, then tell me. Thank you for your support, and I'll post soon if you guys like it, see ya!! )

the broken deaf soulWhere stories live. Discover now