Chapter Twenty : Taking Forms

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I wake up in a bed in a state of shock. Where am I? I bolt upright causing the edge of my vision to go black. Once the blackness goes away I look around the room with huge owl eyes.

How did I get here? Where am I? Then it all comes rushing back to me. I am back in my room in Richard's palace. I relax and lay back down knowing that I am not somewhere that would cause me immediate danger. But still, how did I get here? The last thing I remember was walking into this strange town with these weird people things with no faces. Then nothing.

I continue to try and put together and remember what happened until I remember I wasn't alone. I was with Zyko! I bolt right back up and looked around my room. He was human! He told me how he was able to learn how to change forms and shift.

I get out of my bed and realize that I am not in the same clothes that I was on before. Wait...Who changed me!? I hurry over to me closet and grab some clothing consisting of some dark blue skinny jeans and a Black Veil Brides shirt and I then just threw on a black sweat on top of it all. Not really caring about my appearance right now I sloppily bun up my mess of hair and started to run out of my room. I need answers, and I want them now!

ZYKOOO!! I scream through our mind-link. I continue to run down the hallway trying to find my way back to where I had my first breakfast here. I take a sharp turn to the left and I slam my face into something solid. I take a sudden step back rubbing my face.

I'm about yell, but once I open my eyes no noise came out. “Are you okay?” asks a worried voice.

“Zyko,...” I start. Where did he just come from? He came out of nowhere!

“Your face, is it okay?” He takes his hand and starts to rub my forehead.

“Yes...” I shake my head. “What, how, what?” I can't seem to get any of my words to work together.

“I know you have a lot of questions but we need to go to your Step-Father. He's been wanting to speak to you.” He cups my elbow with his soft and strong but yet gentle hands. He guides me outside to the little table that I had my first official meal at. My Step-Father is sitting at the table with his back to me.

Zyko takes me to my seat and lets go of my elbow. He pulls out my chair and motions for me to sit in it. I nod my head in thanks. I have not said a word since I ran into Zyko in the hallway. All of my questions are going in so many different directions in my head. Seeing my nod towards him, Zyko gives me one of his very loving smiles. My eyes slowly drifts from Zyko to Richard. He found his empty plate to be more fascinating rather than the person he has been wanting to speak to.

I finally find my voice in the mangled mess called me, and I finally asked the question that asks everything I want to know.

“What happened?” I ask straight forwardly.

Finally his eyes reach mine after five minutes of silence, as if he has just now noticed my appearance.

“Hmm, where to begin?” He breathes out heavily. “Well, you know what happened up to when Zyko rescued you. Then up to when you went to Clubberton. From then on I'm assuming that you don't know what has happened. Well, a lot has happened. I wasn't the one there so I am not the one to tell you what happened. Zyko will be the one to tell you want happened since he was the one with you.” Richard finishes. I turn my gaze to Zyko waiting for him to begin. Zyko looks uncomfortable sitting there in the spot light. Something must have got Zyko to begin and his facial expression composes how hard he is trying to put his sentences together first.

“Well,...” Zyko starts and he continues to collect his thoughts together careful of his words. “A lot has happened since we last talked. We got to the town of Clubberton, I gave you a Kianna which is a magic cloak that hides identities. We walked through the town, I told you to keep your head down. The Naize can look into souls through faces, that is why I wanted to make sure that we were covered up.

“We got into the middle of town where most of the Naize were. That's when you decide to look up. I didn't want you to look because I knew what your reaction would have been. I went to protect you and...” Zyko got cut off in mid-sentence.

“...Some came from behind and attacked me.” I finish remembering everything that happened.

“Once Zyko brought you here, both of you looked really bad. Zyko was all bloody and deeply cut and carrying a scratched and passed out you.” Richard added.

“How many days have I been out?” I wondered. I hope not for long.

“You've been asleep for ten days.” Richard replies with no emotion.

“Ten days!” I yell. I've never passed out let alone for ten days! I started to freak out so Zyko came over and starts to rub circles into my back. I started to calm down slowly. Once I'm calmed down Zyko goes back to his seat between me and Richard.

“Okay, now that that is over we have more pressing matters to deal with.” Richard says after a few minutes of silence. I decide not to say anything because I might start to cry. So I just nod my head.

“While you were both gone and since you have been unconscious, many things have come up. Let's start with you will need to continue your training. Pronto. You both need to stop arguing and work together. Hopefully that is what you have learned in your previous training.” He explained.

I nod my head agreeing. I can't afford to get into another argument with him.

“Your next training will be just as difficult, except now it will be a little easier mentally because you have that trust for each other. I need you both to get changed into comfortable clothing. No jeans, shoes, or jewelry. Now, go. Come back quickly because this is going to take a while and will be very painful for you.” Richard says as he looks at me.

“What!? As if I didn't go through any pain last time!” I yell.

“Calm down it will...” Zyko says.

“I'll just get to the point then. Zyko took some training to take his second form. It is time for you to learn how to turn into your second form.” Richard says bluntly. “You're turning into a dragon today.”

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2014 ⏰

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