Chapter Eleven : The Confession

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 “Hello, Zyko. I am Ceyrll.” I am talking to a dragon! I am so happy that I didn't turn this opportunity down.

“Ceyrll, it is precious that we start your training immediately.” Richard demanded.

“Yes, Richard is correct. We are in a war and we don't have much time. With a Dragon Warrior on our side, we have a chance of winning.” Jeremy elaborated.

“What war?” Zyko and I say at the same time.

We look at each other. We said that together! Can we like, read each others minds?

“Yes, a war against the dark ones. They don't want to move on. They want to stay as it was 100 years ago. They still live that way as well. We want to move on. We don't want the world to know everything. It is already dangerous as it is without them knowing about magic, let alone dragons. They want the world to be destroyed. They want to start a new organization full of magic. That would be the destruction of the planet.” Jeremy confessed.

Yes, we can. Now we must pay attention.

Did he just speak to me? That is so cool!

“Ceyrll, focus.” Richard threatens.

Zyko snorts out a puff of smoke from his nostrils. He must be upset. To get a partner as stupid as me.

No, I am happy that you are my partner. You are everything I would have wished for in a partner. Now can we just pay attention? We can talk more later.

Richard continues to explain what we are to do. How we must first be able to find each other if we get separated.

“Tomorrow, you two will meet me out the back gate at nine. Ceyrll, you must be tired. Off to bed with you. Alfred will take you to your new living quarters.” Richard insisted.

I start to walk off, but something nudges my hand. Zyko nudged my hand to get my attention, so I turn around.

Would you like me to carry you? I can sense that you are very tired.

“No, it's okay. I'm fine.” I ensure him.

Please I insist. It will also get us used to each other.

I finally give in to how tired I am and I let Zyko pick me up and put me onto his shoulder. As we continue down the hall I constantly fall asleep to the steady beat of his heart. I jerk away once we come to an abrupt stop in front of these two thirty foot tall doors.

Alfred opens one of the two gigantic doors and inside is polished in gold.

“This is your room. Please enjoy. Ring the bell by the bed if you need anything Ms. Ceyrll.” He walks off in the opposite direction we came from.

Ladies first.

Zyko motions with his paw and I walk in before him.

“Why are you speaking to me through my mind when you can speak?” I asked confused.

Zyko closes the grand door and continues on his way in. He positions himself on a large rug in front of the fireplace.

“I prefer to speak out when we are alone like now. If we are with others, I then prefer to speak through our link.” Zyko stated.

“How do you know what you prefer and what you don't prefer when you were born no longer than and hour ago?” I pointed out.

“In the time I had my eyes closed, I made some decisions. I chose my prefers and the things that I don't prefer. I chose to have red eyes. I chose my name to be Zyko. I chose you.” He informed. “And by speaking by our link, it gets us used to how each others consciousness feels like. So when I speak to you, you should try talking back sometime. Even though we can read each others thoughts. It would be nice to be talked to specifically.”

“Is it okay if I ask you a question about one of your decisions?” I asked.

“It's alright. There will be no secrets between us.” Zyko proclaimed.

“Why did you choose me?” I blurted. I didn't mean for it to be harsh. It's just that, no one ever chooses me.

“I understand what you mean. It's alright. I chose you because I sensed potential. I chose you because I sensed how lost you felt inside. I knew that if I wasn't your partner, I would be lost as well. I also couldn't deny how beautiful you are.” He replied.

“You are really over exaggerating how beautiful I am. But, you could have anyone. If you were with someone else, you wouldn't feel lonely.” I deny.

“You are tired. You should get some rest. We have a lot to do tomorrow.” He dodges my questions.

“Why are you all of a sudden dodging all my questions. I thought that there weren't going to be any secrets. It's because I'm right. I knew it! You, you just wanted me to feel special. Just so that later on you can eat me with no indigestion.” I totally underestimated this dragon.

“No, I will not eat you or hurt you. And you are not right. I chose you because I wanted to be your partner. Not anyone else, I wanted to be yours. I would be jealous of any other who gets to be your partner. I chose you because I wanted YOU.” He growled. “I chose you because you had potential, talent, and you are also beautiful. I chose you because I knew that you are the one.”

“I'm sorry. But everything you said about me is nice, it's just not true though. I don't have any talents, least of all I am not beautiful.” I corrected.

“That is where your wrong. Because you have all that stuff.” Zyko bragged.

I know because the first time I sensed you, I knew that I love you.

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