Chapter Eighteen : Discovered

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 I back up, stumbling over broken shards of rocks. I am now the one whose head is shaking vigorously, not believing my eyes.

This isn't possible! Red eyes are not common for humans! His eyes, luminous and soft. This reminds me of my long lost friend.

“This can't be... It's not possible! I have to be dreaming!” I start to slap my head with my arm. I realize then, that my right arm is still broken.

“Please, calm down. It is not good for you to continuously move your broken arm. Please sit.” He motions me to sit back down by the tree. He motions me with the same grace.

“No, no, no, no! This, this isn't right! It's not possible!” I scream as I sat down.

“It's okay. Your just in shock. You will be okay.” He brings me a bowl of liquid.

He starts to hand feed me the warm, luscious liquid. It glides over my tongue and down my throat. What is this? It's delicious and satisfying. How did he get this since we're in the middle of nowhere?

He continues to feed me for another half-hour. I avoid eye contact still gathering and collecting my thoughts. I just pay attention to my swallowing and breathing. Once he finish feeding me I take a self dare. I look right at him.

The sun has just woken and is peeking over the horizon. The sun sparkling off of his skin.

“What was that?” I ask.

“It's water, crushed leaves, grass, mushrooms, ground up earthworms, and a little pinch of dirt.” He responds as he cleans the wooden bowl.

“No way! Your kidding!” I jump up to my feet ready to give him a knuckle sandwich.

He drops the bowl and puts his hands in the air defensively. Then he backs off to get space between us.

“I was kidding. I'm sorry. It was just mango and carrot juice. Along with some water and salt.” He looks away from me and sits down.

I then realize that my rescuer didn't introduce himself to me. Even though I may already know who it is.

“I don't know the best way to ask this, but to get my mind straight I will ask plainly. Who are you?” I ask for the ten-millionth time.

He doesn't look at me, but I can hear his shortened breath. I know what that means. So I walk slowly to him and squat next to his muscled frame.

I turn his face so our faces are mere inches away from each other. His face is cherry red with water streaming down his face. He's crying but I don't understand.

“What's wrong?” I put my hand on his shoulder for support.

“What's wrong? You are. None of this would have happened if I just listened to my brain. But no, I had to listen to my heart.” He puts his face into his palms.

My mouth just hangs open in shock. Zyko?! This man in front of me is Zyko?! I stand back up and sat back down at my tree root. Now we are both upset and shocked in our own world.

That's why he never questioned my broken arm. I look down at my arm dangling by my side. At least I can't feel an pain anymore. But I feel a different type of pain now. A pain of realization.

I didn't realize it when he was sitting next to me. Nor did I realize that I was crying, because of knowing how he feels about me. He was the one who made the first move.

“Ceyrll, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. The moment I lost you, I went mad. Maybe even crazy! I couldn't imagine how it happened other then they had you! I just let you go.” He puts his face into his palms again.

After about five minutes of silence, ii couldn't stand it. I was throwing a fit in my head because I didn't know what else to do.

“So after two days of your capture, I studied and trained on how to become human. The moment I mastered it, I left in search of you.” Zyko explains.

“It's been two days!?” It didn't seem that long at all.

I think of everything that has happened and said. I think about what he said about listening to his heart. Did he mean it? Ever since he was born he said how he felt a special connection to me. As I enter my heart, the one that I have locked up for so long, opened. I now know that I feel the same.

Sitting next to him I feel so safe and protected. My hearts throbs for what it wants but can't have.

“Ya, it was two days since they took you. Today is day three.” He looks at the sun rising over the horizon.

Just looking at him my heart stops. Now I understand exactly what my heart wants. I t wants to accept his love and return the favor.

I love him.

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