|Thomas Wynter Gaskarth|

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| Ember |

I scroll through my twitter, Alex's fans are still buzzing about the news of the baby.
It's the 13th December, baby is supposed to be born the 20th of this month.
"Go go sleep, Em, you'll be tired tomorrow." Jack says. "Go annoy your husband or something."
"Don't push me, my feet are swollen and- OW!" I yell.
"Did I do something wrong?! Oh my god sis, I didn't hurt you?!"
"No Jack it's just- OW!" I yell louder, clutching my stomach. Alex runs downstairs.
"Ember? Are you okay?!" I nod and try to stand up straight. Not happening, I hobble up the stairs to the bathroom. My stomach is killing me.
"Alex! Get in here!" I yell. He runs into our bathroom. "Shit, this baby is coming now."
"It's a week early though!"
"This baby comes when it wants to." I say. He runs to get my overnight bag and slowly takes me to the car, it's progress.
I've been in pain all the way to the hospital, Alex has been clutching my hand for life, telling me it'll be okay, that it'll be over soon. He's the one who did this to me.
They rush me to a birthing room. "Mrs Gaskarth?" A doctor comes in. I nod. "Ah, this must be Mr Gaskarth, I don't think we've met before."
"Yeah, I was touring when the appointments were." The doctor nods curtly and turns back to me.
"When is the due date?"
"The 20th of this month." I tell her and look at the clock. Why did this child want to be born at 11:30PM?! Alex takes my hand.
"It'll be fine Em, people do this all the time. Just think about the end of it."
"Call Cass, I want her here too." I tell him. He nods and pulls out his phone to call Cass. "It hurts." I groan and clutch my stomach because the pain is just getting too much.
"We can't wait for your friend to get here, it's now, Ember." The doctor tells me. I nod.
I feel like I'm gonna pass out from the pain, it's ridiculous.
"Em!" Cass squeals her face lights up. I look at her and she's almost in tears. Am I hurting her? I look to Alex.
"You did it honey." He smiles and kisses my forehead. "I love you so much."
"Ember, it's a little boy." The doctor tells me and wraps my baby up into a blue blanket.
"Lexy, did you hear that?" I ask, buzzing with excitement. He nods. The doctor passes me the boy.
"I'll go get Jack and tell the others." Cass smiles. "I'm proud of you, bestie." She gives me a quick hug before leaving.
Jack bounces into the room. "Is it a little boy or a little girl?" He asks in a childish voice.
"A boy." Alex tells him.
"Aww yess! We can teach him to play football, and guitar and stuff, although I'm that talented I could've got a girl to do that too." Jack skips over to the bed to look at the baby that I'm holding so tight. It's cheesy to say but how can I have so much love for such a little thing?
"Alex I know what I want to call him."
"You're sure." I nod.
"Thomas Wynter Gaskarth." I tell him. Thomas wraps his hand around my thumb.
"I think he likes that." Alex smiles. "It's a great name, I couldn't have done better myself."
"I like that too!" Jack exclaims.
"Here, let me take a picture of you all." The doctor takes Alex's phone and they come close for a picture, she takes one of Alex and Thomas too.
"Alex, look at the time. It's 1am, he's born on your birthday too."
"Best birthday present ever!"

| Alex |

"Best birthday present ever!" I exclaim. It is. To have my son born on the same day is incredible.
'Hey guys, let me introduce you to Thomas Wynter Gaskarth, born on the 14th December 2016. He's the most precious thing ever, I think he looks like me, so he's bound to get all the ladies. Speaking of ladies, I couldn't be prouder of my wife Ember, I put her through hell and back for this. I'm a daddy!'
I post that with the pictures.
"Happy birthday, honey." Ember smiles and yawns.
"Go to sleep, you've been through a lot." I take Thomas off her and put him in the crib at the end of ether bed. "I'll sleep in the chair."
Once she rolls over and goes to sleep. I take Thomas back out of his crib to look at him.
He looks like I did as a baby. "Hey Tom, aren't you a handsome little man? You're gonna have all the ladies after you, mommy won't let you though. We're gonna teach you to play an instrument, does guitar sound good? And uncle Jack wants you to play baseball." I take him out of the room, to show the guys. "Meet Thomas Wynter Gaskarth." I smile to them. Rian jumps up.
"He's adorable, see Cass we could have this."
"I want a little girl." She tells him. "He's beautiful Alex, he's gonna make you proud."
I call my parents house. It picks up very quickly.
"Alexander, why are you calling me at this time?! It's 2am!"
"Mom, I'm calling to tell you that Ember has had the baby."
"Ooh! That's amazing! Is it a boy or a girl?"
"It's a boy. Thomas Wynter Gaskarth."
"Thomas." She sighs. "Just after your brother."
"Wynter is after Ember's friend, he took his own life."
"She's a strong girl, I knew it. I told her on your wedding day that I was happy she took you back and she made you happy."
"Of course she does."
"Have a happy life. I'm booking a flight, I'll be there maybe tomorrow night, love you son."
"Love you too Ma."

Backseat Serenade (Alex Gaskarth~Completed)Where stories live. Discover now