|34|Manage Me I'm A Mess|

944 31 3

| Alex |

Song: Weightless - All Time Low (Again, but I named the chapter after it)

I feel really bad for Ember. She has so much going on in her life, we've only just become friends again, she's moved across the country, probably fell put with Ella and Willow, Wynter.

I don't know what to say about that.

Me: good luck for today, I'll see you soon. I'll be thinking about you!

Ember: thanks. I'll see you soon then.

I put on some old jeans, a shirt and hoodie then go for a walk.

I end up at Zack's place, he has a penthouse in the heart of the city.

"Hey, I haven't seen you in a while." He says as the elevator doors close behind me.

"Things have been kind of busy." I shrug.

"Yeah. Jack told me. How is she?"

"Honestly, she's a mess. She's over there now for the funeral."

"I can imagine. That's tough on her."

"She just blames herself."

"That's not a good thing. It's not her fault."

"I tried explaining it to her, but she wasn't having any of it. I told her I felt the same when Tom died."

"She'll come around, start to feel better soon. I remember after my Gran's funeral, I started to get better, because I knew I'd said goodbye."

"Maybe that's all she needs."

"She better brighten up, it's her birthday in like two weeks."

"Yeah." I scratch the back of my neck. "She just needs to say goodbye."

| Ember |

Today is the day. I can't stop thinking about my nightmare.

Jack: you up? I'm too lazy to come round and check if you are.

Me: how sweet. I'm up.

Jack: just knock my door when you're ready.

Me: will do.

I put my phone down and sigh. I need to get ready then.

I put on my ripped skinny jeans, corset top and the blazer, then I artfully style my hair into a bun. Plaiting the back, the. Pinning the rest up, I leave my fringe out. It's stayed straight enough. Makeup is a no. I'll end up crying and it'll smudge. I slip on the heels, the. Put my phone and speech in my pocket.

"Jack, I'm ready."

"Me too." He opens the door in some black jeans and a button up black shirt, as casual as it sounds, it looks formal.

"Come here." I sort out his hair, which was a serious case of bed head.

"You're brave sis. I hate to admit it, but I think you're braver than me." He hugs me.

"I have to be brave. It's that or an emotional wreck." He laughs a little. "Let's go."


About 20 minutes later, the taxi stopped outside a house after it took us to a florist. I checked the address, it was correct.

There were a few small crowds of people outside, along with cars.

"Ember Barakat?" A woman asks.

Backseat Serenade (Alex Gaskarth~Completed)Where stories live. Discover now