|4| Mrs Gaskarth your iced tea is ready|

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| Alex |

Song: Stay Away From My Friends - Pierce The Veil

I wake up to Ember in my arms, I could seriously get used to this. There's a buzzing noise. The apartment is completely silent besides the buzzing. No one else is awake then. I force myself out of the warm bed and over to the front door. The buzz keeps going on. I press the button on the intercom so whoever can come in. I'm guessing Jack went for a walk and locked himself out. I peek through the door where Rian is sleeping, he's still there. So, it's not Rian. I creep into the lounge and check who's there.

- Zack



Who is it then? I hear the door click open and a girl with white hair walks in. I recognise her.

"Uhm, hi. Who are you?" I ask quietly.

"ALEX GASKARTH!!" The girl screams and Jack bolts up.

"It's the creepy girl who said she was your girlfriend!" Jack exclaims. "Hi creep." He says to her.

"I'm Willow." She smiles and twirls her hair around her finger.

"And why are you here?" I ask.

"To see Ember."

"She's not gonna be happy about this."

"Shut up and let me see my best friend."

"Pfft." I laugh a little. Ember hates her from what I can tell and she's not gonna be happy about her little visit. I open the door and Ember stirs.

"Alex? What's all the screaming?" She says in a sleepy voice.

"Someone is here to see you." I say nervously.

"Who?" She asks and sits up.

"Just come and see, Em."

| Ember |

"Just come and see, Em." He says. I groan and get out of bed.

"This bitch better be worth my time." I say and rub the sleep out of my eyes. I pad into the lounge.

"Ember!!" Willow shrieks and hugs me. I freeze.

"Why are you here?" I ask, cutting to the chase.

"I came to see my best friend."

"No, I bet the word got out and you knew about All Time Low sleeping at my place." She doesn't say anything.

"Not true. I missed you. Forgive me?"

"Fine." I fold my arms. "Just don't try and make a move on any of them, or you will be out of my life quicker than you can say Backseat Serenade bitch." I laugh a little to lighten the mood and I hug her back. I know it seems weird to forgive her, but she's my best friend and has been there forever, so I can't give up on her that easily.

"I promise I won't." She smiles. I can tell she's lying. Ella looks so pissed off.

"And Jack, don't make a move on her. You too Merrick." I scold.

"Can we go shopping?" Willow asks brightly.

"Let me get rid of the guys, then I'll get dressed and go with you. Ella, do you wanna come?" I ask. Willow tenses a bit when I ask her, she needs to understand I have other friends too.

"Sure." Ella smiles.

"Guys, get up, get dressed and piss off!" I shout. They groan and Zack runs into the bathroom to get dressed, Alex has my room, Rian has the guest room and Jack has to wait. I pack away all the blankets and stuff, then go into my room.

Backseat Serenade (Alex Gaskarth~Completed)Where stories live. Discover now