|6|Beach Babe|

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| Ember |

5 Seconds Of Summer - She looks so perfect

I wake up in my bed and my head hurts a little. I can't have drunk that much. How the hell did I get here? Alex! He's not in here though. Maybe he's on the couch or in the spare room. I jump out of the covers and check the couch. He's not there. I quickly make two coffees and take them into the spare room. Sure enough, he's asleep, snoring lightly. I put the coffees down on the small table and sit on the end of the bed.

"Morning, Lex." I shake him a little.

"Morning." He whispers and rubs his eyes.

"Sleep well? You looked comfy enough." I make some light snoring sounds.

"I do not sound like that!"

"You do!"

"I'm gonna get you back."

"By the time you're man enough, you'll be dead." I tease.

"Shut up!" He jumps up and grabs me. "I think I'm pretty alive."

"You're all bark no bite though." I smile and look at him. He instantly blushes. "Naw! Is little Lexy embarrassed?"

"No. I have a great body, I'll have you know."

"Whatever. I made you a coffee."

"Thanks, bitch." He takes one and starts to drink it.

"Did you enjoy last night?"

"Yeah, it was cool I guess."

"Was the best part pretending to be my boyfriend? That's gonna be awkward to explain at christmas."

"What if it was?" I wasn't expecting that. Something pops into my head. I asked him something, he said ask me tomorrow.

"Lex, when do you go back to Baltimore?"

"In three days." He says quietly.

"What?! You're over the other side of the country." That sucks.

"I know." He looks down.

"I'll miss you Lex. Long distance friendships are hard."

"But we can text and call and stuff. It'll be fine, Em. Don't worry." He pulls me into a hug.

"I know. I'm just scared. I'll be living alone for the first time in a while and I'll just miss you and the guys."

"It'll work. Don't worry. Just get dressed. We're going to the beach remember?"

"Oh yeah. Thanks Lex, we'll make it work. It can't be that hard." He kisses me on the head before I get up.

"That was a friendly gesture. Don't get expecting it all the time." He laughs. I shake my head and leave the room. I run and put on a white bikini under some denim shorts and a short, flowing black top. Alex comes in my room as I'm pulling my hair into a ponytail.

"Ever heard of knocking?" I ask.

"Yeah. I just choose not to use it sometimes." He's in his shirt and trouser, but they aren't tucked in and the shirt isn't buttoned up all the way to the top. I shake my head and grab a bag.

"What will I need?" I ask out loud.

"Uhm, towel, sun cream for all of us because the guys always forget and get burnt, your phone, money if you want it, but I'll pay for whatever you want, sunglasses, earphones, book. I don't know whatever you want." I pack most of them, but not the book. I can't let him pay for everything so I slip in a $20 note. I slip on my black flip flops.

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