chapter 7

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Rose was having a peaceful sleep when Lily barged in her room wearing a silk night dress.

"How can you still be sleeping after knowing what dad is doing?" Her voice exploded in the room.

"What the hell did I ever do to you that you can never let me sleep peacefully girl?" Rose asked groggily, irritation lacing her voice as she looked at the time. Hell it was only 9 in the morning. She could at least have slept for two more hours, she thought.

"Dad has grounded us for three days for the stunt we pulled yesterday!" Lily screamed in Rose's ear.

"Jesus! First of all we didn't pull the stunt, you did. Thus you are grounded not me. Secondly it doesn't bother me as I'm not the one who always want to go and party all the time. So it's your problem. Learn to deal with it! Now let me sleep." Rose declared stuffing her face under her fluffy pillow. It was true. Rose's perfect day would include just sitting at home doing absolutely nothing! She was not the travelling or partying kind.

"Fine! You do nothing! I'll take care of this myself. I'm going to talk to dad right now." With that Lily stormed off to make her dad change his decisions.

Rose shook her head at her crazy sister while Lily was set on getting what she wanted. Lily was angry! She knew that her dad was protective about them as he worked in a gang, and was scared that his daughters might be under threat at any point in their lives. But that didn't mean he could just steal their freedom from them. Plus, which 22 year old has a curfew these days?

"Where's Dad?" She asked Georgia, their maid.
"Ma'am he is in his office currently having a....." She didn't bother listening to the rest of the sentence as she stomped her way to her dad's office.

"Wait ma'am but you can't ..." Georgia ran after Lily to stop her but couldn't as Lily cut her off before quickening her pace.

"Not now Georgia! I'll listen to you later."

On the other hand Rose got out of her bed to knock some sense into her sister's retired brain. Lily had always been the one to act on impulse and not think things through.

Rose made her way into the living room and asked Georgia,
" Have you seen Lily?"

"Oh! Rose dear .. Lily went to your father's office but she doesn't know that he is currently having a serious meeting." Georgia cried impatiently and a bit scared not knowing what the consequences could be.

"Oh God this girl!" Rose sighed.

James was surprised to see Vincenzo and Dante at his house in the morning. He knew them since they were children and had seen the boys grow old. They both reminded him of their father, his best friend. Sitting in his office desk with both the brothers across from him, he asked "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Come on James. It's been a long time and we really missed you. Can't we pay you visit?" Dante answered rather cheerfully.

It was true the two had actually missed him. He had always been there to help them after their father's death.

James smiled "Oh of course you can always visit me. I was just worried if things were alright." He almost whispered the last part cautiously.

Vincenzo and Dante's face expressions changed and that was enough to tell James that things were indeed not alright.

"What is it?" James asked on queue.

"Derek has a son. He's out there to get his revenge." Vincenzo replied with a poker face. James closed his eyes thinking of the possible danger his daughters were in now.

"Did you know anything about it?" Vincenzo asked.

"I always had this gut feeling that he did have a son, but wasn't quite sure about it. You only today, confirmed my doubt." James was tensed imagining all the possible danger that were going to bubble up after this day.

"We can take him down if we have some help from you." Dante pointed out.

"I'll be glad to help you. But you see....." James was cut off when his office door opened with a loud bang.

"Dad how can you do this? You can't just ground us for something so tr ..ivial...." Lily started heatedly, but ended up trailing when her eyes landed on the two men sitting opposite to her father.

She was embarrassed when she saw her father in a meeting with two men. Two handsome men to be exact. One of them caught her eyes more. He had a rugged appearance with tattoos covering his neck and she was sure they continued down his chest, although they were hidden. He had grey eyes with a hint of green. Boy was he devilishly handsome. But what surprised her more was that man staring right back at her with much intensity. The tension in the room heated quickly as his eyes roamed her body and she realized the silk satin red night dress she was wearing, only reached the mid of her thigh.

"Lily what the hell are you doing?" Her thoughts were cut off as she heard Rose approach behind her.

Dante's eyes went wide when he saw the brunette. That too in a silk satin tank top with matching booty shorts. His was in a daze at the sight and could see nothing but her. How perfectly the dress molded round her curves only to enhance her perfect figure further.

James cleared his throat when he caught hold of the situation.

"Lily I'll talk to you later. Rose please take her to her room." James said immediately. After giving another look at the situation, Lily made her way back to her room without uttering another word.

"Sorry about that dad," Rose mumbled quietly and left not before admiring a certain emerald eyed devil. A very handsome devil.

The boys were still in a trance with their eyes stuck on the door at which their angels stood not a second before. James cleared his throat again as he tried to gain their attention once again. He clearly knew what was going on. He too was once of their age and knew the look very well. After all it was the same look he had when he saw his wife for the first time.

The men shook their head before paying attention to James again.
They both looked at James with an expression 'who were they?'
"Sorry about my daughters. They are.... Well they are very enthusiastic as you just saw," James scratched his neck.

"Daughters?" Dante whispered before giving Vincenzo a knowing look as his lips pulled up in a smirk. Their job was made even easier now as the girls were right under their nose.

"They are twins actually. Not identical though. The blonde one was Lily and the other one was Rose. Actually this is what I wanted to say earlier. I would love to help you but at the same time I'm worried about their security. I left this whole business for them and getting involved in it would only risk their lives. I love them dearly and I cannot bear to have a scratch on them after losing my wife. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say?" James continued.

"We do understand your concern. After all, they are very lovely I must add." Vincenzo decided to say. We can help you with their security James. Let's make deal. We understand you are worried about them but think if Derek's son is on the loose, then will you be able to protect them for long? We just need your help in some areas concerning some tracking and stuff. We know you are the best. And in return we'll make sure no harm comes their way. Like this you will also be helping us eliminating any danger for your daughters. After all, you were involved in the gang very deeply. I'm sure that bastard will target you as well. At this point we need to work together."

James thought about the offer and knew Vincenzo was right. Plus he would do anything to protect his daughters. And with that thought he agreed to help them.

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