Chapter 19

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Lily was happily talking to one of her old school friends with Vincenzo beside her. He looked bored as some of the girls gave him looks but he only ended up glaring at them and pulling Lily closer to him. Things took a turn when someone unexpected tapped Lily's shoulder and captured both Lily's and Vincenzo's attention.

Vincenzo's fist and jaws immediately clenched at the figure in front of him. The last thing he wanted was a boy approaching Lily. That too in his presence! He was fuming. And what happened next had his veins pulsing.

"Lucas?" Lily asked shocked to see him there.

"Hello there pretty lady," he smirked at her.

"What are you doing here. I .. I thought you had joined the Military," Lily was confused but happy to see he was alright.

On hearing that, it clicked to Vincenzo who he was! He was one of those Lily's ex-boyfriends who she actually liked. He remembered Lily telling him in the car the other day that he had joined the army.

"You've grown even prettier Lily," he said huskily while Lily blushed. He had even taken a couple of steps towards Lily and completely ignored Vincenzo's presence. Vincenzo was in utter shock to see that boy ignoring him like he wasn't even there. And he had enough. He took a dangerous step towards Lucas and grabbed his collar in his fists.

"I dare you to look at my girl once again," he threatened but Lucas only raised his eyebrow, amused by his reaction. He was completely relaxed in his hold. He moved his eyes towards Lily who seemed to be holding her breath and looking at the two of them with wide eyes.

"I see he is the man you are currently dating Lily?" Lucas grinned.

"I..I," the whole conversation got awkward in seconds and Lily didn't know how to react but Vincenzo did for her.

"Yes she is. So I advise you to take your filthy face and never, and I mean never look at her again. Because if you do then God help me there will be hell on earth." Lucas chuckled at his response lightly and raised his hands in surrender.

"She's all yours big guy. I was just here to say my greetings. I'm just glad she found someone who can take care of her," he said while prying Vincenzo's arms off his collar and took a step back while fixing it.

"It was good to see you Lily! Take care of yourself," With that Lucas turned and walked off not before giving a glance to the couple.

Lily was flabbergasted at what just happened. She saw that Lucas had changed a lot since he had joined the army. He was now more muscular and had grown a French beard. For a moment she couldn't even recognize him. But his voice was the same. That is what gave it away.

Her eyes met Vincenzo who was glaring where Lucas had just disappeared from. She could see how angry he was. That was an understatement. She could see the steam coming out of his ears. In a second he turned and grabbed Lily's hands and started dragging.

"We are leaving," he spat while pulling her behind him.

"But the party isn't over yet," she tried to loosen his grip but he only tightened it further.

"And I don't give a shit," was all that he replied.

Vincenzo dragged her all the way to his room while Lily just huffed at his childish behavior. The car ride wasn't any better, Lily was sure she was going to die at the speed he was driving at. He slammed the bedroom door shut and pinned her against it. Lily had a sense of deja Vu with everything happening.

"Why were you looking at him like that?" Vincenzo gritted while holding Lily in place so she couldn't escape. Lily on the other hand just rolled her eyes.

"I was just saying hello like a normal person. There is nothing to be jealous of Vince. What we had was years ago," that still did not help calm him down. He was very insecure and she could clearly see that.

Therefore she slowly stretched her arms and cupped his face in her small hands. She lightly brushed his cheeks with his thumb while looking straight into his eyes. His hair was disheveled as he had run his hands through them a several times on their way back. She stood up on her tip toes and lovingly brushed her lips against his. She kissed him softly as he kissed her back, hugging her tightly in his arms. She pulled away shortly and looked back into his eyes.

"I don't want anyone to take you away from me. I won't be able to live," he replied looking a little broken. Lily understood what the grief was. It was because he had been alone for so long and now that he finally had someone in his life he actually cared for, he was scared to lose them.

"No one will take me away from you. I promise. They can't do anything to take me away from you because I love you," Lily stilled immediately after realizing what she had said. Vincenzo eyes grew wide at her words. He was thrilled to hear what she just said. The environment immediately grew a little tense with Lily's revelation.

"Do .. do you mean that? Says that again," he requested with so much hope and vulnerability in his eyes making her heart skip a beat. She had never seen this man vulnerable. But he was when it came to loving her.

And in that moment, she knew that she loved this man who was crazy for her. And there was no going back from it. "I love you Vince," she spoke again, more sensually this time. And that was all it took Vincenzo to grab her right by the waist and pull her into a passionate kiss. Soon it resulted in them making passionate love over the night.

"I want you sore baby," he murmured and continued his sweet leisurely torment, moving back and forth as she moaned being a mess in his arms.
"Every time you move tomorrow, I want you to be reminded that I was here. Only me! You are mine!" He growled huskily.

"All yours," she whispered back to him.

Vincenzo was thrilled at her confession. For a moment he couldn't trust his ears if they heard her correctly. To say he was ecstatic would be an understatement. He was over the moon with her confession. And to prove what she meant to him, he would ravish her until she was sore. 

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