chapter 1

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He sighed after entering his room after another rough day. This included eliminating a few people who were just ugly to deal with. It wasn't really hard for him to kill anyone as it came naturally. He was pushed into this world reluctantly. His name was enough to fill people with terror and make them shudder with fear. Vincenzo is what he was known as; the leader of the Italian Mafia.

Being a gang leader had its perks but sometimes it really got on the nerves. He sometimes pondered over what it would be like to live like a normal person. But he knew it wasn't in his fate. Peace was something he had always looked for but kissed goodbye a long time back. It was something lost on a dreadful night where he did something vicious. Something he couldn't forgive himself for. He only wished he could find a place or a person he could confide into or run away to a place where nobody could reach them. Peace was all he wanted.

He made his way to his bedroom and had a warm shower to release his stress. He finally came out of the shower to go to a peaceful slumber when his phone's ringtone made him scowl and groan.

"Yo lazy ass what's up?" spoke the person on the line.

The well-known assassin Dante De Connor, someone who everybody had heard of, but none had seen. The mastermind behind every mission, decided to give a heads up to his brother for the latest rising threat for the gang.

"Get to the point. I'm not in mood for your comments," Vincenzo replied with much irritation.

"Come on! I'm your only younger brother. At least give me some love," he spoke in baby voice.

"Two years don't make much difference."

"So ..... Then you wouldn't mind if I take over the gang?" Dante smirked.

"Don't get ahead of yourself. Remember you're still the younger one here."

"Yeah yeah I know. I just love riling you up sometimes. Besides I really enjoy my own job and wouldn't give it up for some stupid position," Vincenzo was annoyed at his brother's nonsense chatter.

"Why the hell are you disturbing me at this hour?" He gritted out.

"Well I've got some news. Could be helpful for you ...." Dante trailed off.

"What is it?" Vincenzo's curiosity perked.

"Uh uh uh, not like this. Let's meet up. Besides it's been too long since I met you."

"You met me two days ago," replied Vincenzo in a bored tone.

"Exactly! Too long. Anyways, I'll be waiting at the club. See ya!" With that Dante hung up and Vincenzo groaned in frustration. Now he would have to get his lazy ass out of the bed just to get some stupid information from his lovely Assassin, not to forget also his right hand man.

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