chapter 10

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Rose was running her mind over the whole situation that took place just a few minutes ago.
"I can see the wheels turning in your head," Dante commented while still keeping his eyes on the road. She looked at him and boy did he look gorgeous. He was making her stomach churn with excitement. Being in the same car with him made her feel giddy. What is wrong with you Rose? Get a hold of yourself. You don't do boys! She thought.
"I was just ...curious," she hesitated, her gaze fixed on his jaw line. So sharp, it could easily slice anything.
"About what Rose?" Dante rumbled in his deep voice making the slightest shiver pass her. God! Why did he have this effect on her.
"You," Rose eyed him curiously and the words left her mouth without her even taking notice of it.
Dante swore his heart skipped a beat at her response.
"You... you know what is happening. Yet you and your brother along with dad are keeping things from us." Rose immediately added to her previous answer raising her eyebrows at him accusingly, covering her slip of tongue.
Dante shrugged and replied "I might have an idea about what is happening."

"Oh then please enlighten me."

Dante did not want to lie to her about anything. He knew that she already know of her father's business with his father thus didn't keep her in dark.
"It has something to do with our fathers' old enemy. Actually his son to be precise. He's on the loose and is looking for..."
"Revenge?" Rose completed.
"How did you know?" Dante got curious.

Rose was not going to tell him that she can secretly hear her father's meetings going on in his office thanks to the recording device she discreetly fixed under his chair. She had done that for fun honestly, but didn't know that it could come in handy in the future.

This way she knew many things happening in the family, and using her talent, only confirmed her doubts.
"I have my ways," she smirked at him before continuing to look out of the car window. But then she felt his eyes on her. Observing her very carefully.
Dante was impressed that Rose tends to stay a step ahead of her sister. He casually looked at her at intervals, as if trying to memorize all her features.
"You know you are very beautiful," Dante said without thinking.
Rose blushed at his comment before replying a small thank you. He was giving her butterflies that she always wanted to stay away from. But who was she to say no when these butterflies were making her feel special? She only prayed that these butterflies don't end being the bugs in her life.

Vincenzo, Dante and the girls were all in the mansion waiting for James to arrive and fill them in. While waiting for their father, the girls looked around the mansion with an impressed face. They liked how it was so luxurious like a castle, yet felt warm like home. Not that their own house was any less. The difference was their house was one of those luxurious ones any billionaire could afford. However this mansion had a royal touch to its interior, giving it a castle's look. It was as if extra care and effort was put into designing every intricate pattern that added a flawless touch to its exquisite beauty. The walls were grey and golden with various paintings of famous artists on them. The huge hall led to a royal staircase that led up to the many door opening into what girls assumed would be extravagant rooms.

Sitting in the living room, the girls looked expectantly at their father to start explaining.
"Well are you going to start now?" Lily raised her eyebrows.
James explained everything from their friendship with Derek to the latest attack his son made.
Rose looked bored as she had already put the pieces together.
"How are you calm about this revelation?" Lily squeaked while nudging Rose.
Rose shrugged "It's no revelation to me. I already know this." She finished taking a sip from her red wine that was offered to her earlier and slightly trailed her tongue across her lips to make sure nothing was left behind of that tasty wine. This small action didn't go unnoticed by Dante.
"Wait how do you already know about this? I am the older one here hence I deserve to know the things first!" Lily was sad she didn't know anything.
"We are literally twins. We are the same age doofus!" Rose exclaimed.
"No I'm a whole one minute older than you. Let's not forget that!"
"57 seconds is not one minute Lily! How many times should I tell you that?"
"Correction, 57.8," she announced proudly, " 57.8 seconds rounds of to 58 seconds which is very close to 59 seconds and since 1 doesn't really make a difference, so it's 60 seconds! Which for your kind information is a whole 1 minute."
Rose rolled her eyes while shaking her head at her stupidity. Even if this girl was older than her, she still acted like a two-year-old.
"Sure whatever you want!" Rose finished.

The three men waited in the room for the girls' argument to get over. Vincenzo was enjoying this fierce side of Lily. She looks cute when she's angry, he thought. Dante signaled James to talk about what they had discussed earlier and the brothers decided to leave the room while letting the girls have some time with their father.

"So you're going to live in the Mansion now?" Vincenzo frowned at Dante when they were out. It wasn't like it wasn't Dante's home too. Hell he had a whole floor that belonged to him including his own office. But Dante just liked to buy a few properties here and there and wanted to try experience living in different surroundings, preferably alone. But Vincenzo knew that was going to change. He smirked at his younger brother while shaking his head.
"Why not? After all it's mine too. I only choose to live in the apartment because I got bored of seeing your face, but I've missed you for some time to give you company once again." Dante joked while Vincenzo knew the reality that he wanted to be close to Rose. Not that he minded, the house was equally Dante's as it was his.

"I have news to break," James turned serious.
"As if you just didn't break one already," Lily chuckled humorlessly. Honestly she was still annoyed that her father had hidden all of this from them for so long. It made her feel left out.
"Yeah I know but this one's a little different. I have decided that you girls would be staying here in this mansion with the boys for a few months."
"What?" This time both the girls said in unison.
"Why can't we simply stay at our own place?" Rose questioned.
"It's not safe anymore. I returned home to see someone had broken into my office and it was a mess." James sighed. "You don't need to worry. I know these boys since they were kids. I'm sure they will protect you from everything."
"We don't need protection dad! You have trained us well." Lily reasoned with an edge to her tone. Sure she liked the looks of the mansion but that didn't mean she would give up her home just like that, even for a few months. That place had their memories, her mother's memories and leaving them behind all of a sudden was something she was not willing to do.
"I know but I can't take risk when it comes to you two. I already lost my wife. I can't lose you too! And it is just for a few months. When the threat is over, everything will go back to how it was." On the mention of their mother, the girls' mood dampened. They knew how broken their father was on the death of their mother and blamed himself that he couldn't save her. It was since that day that he grew very protective of them and made sure to not let any harm come their way. The girls understood the turmoil he would have been going through with the recent attack and decided to not question his decision.
"What about you? Where will you be staying?" Rose was concerned.
"Don't worry about me. Plus I want some time alone to clear my head for a while and deal with all of this." The girls nodded knowing that they had to do this for their father.

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