chapter 17

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Vincenzo give a look of pity to the man lying on the ground in front of him, covered in tattered clothes and blood. His own blood. He signaled his men to tie him up to the chair. He took a seat opposite to him while James observed the scene, leaning against the wall in the corner of the room.

"Why?" He asked calmly as Ben spat some blood on the ground. He looked Vincenzo in the eye and smirked. He was not ready to spill anything just yet. He only sighed before looking away from his boss' eyes. This infuriated Vincenzo and he grabbed his bloody face in his hands to squeeze it hard, making Ben grunt in pain.

"Why?" He asked again. This time with much anger, "I fucking gave you everything. Money, shelter, I even trained you myself. Then why?" his voice boomed by the end of the sentence.

"Why?" Ben spat. "You are fucking asking me why? The real question is why I shouldn't when you were the reason behind my misery. When you were the actual reason behind me being without a penny, me struggling like a beggar! You think just because I was little and you happened to save me, I don't remember anything? Heck that day is still printed in my mind when you fucking killed my parents and took everything from me. You fucking killed the parents of a nine year old in front of his eyes." Vincenzo scowled at this and raised his eyebrow.

"So this is what it's about. Revenge?" He let out a humorless laugh. "You knew they had it coming. The deserved it. They were fucking criminals. Or is human trafficking in your eyes a holy job?" He gritted out.

"And what makes you think you are not one of them?" It was Ben's turn to scoff.

"No " Vincenzo shook his head. "No! My job is to deal with these shit criminals. Not be one of them. I know some of the things I do might be wrong, even illegal," he leaned in closer to Ben "but it's only to eliminate the bigger crimes happening in this world." His voice sounded feral by the end of the sentence. "I know I may be known as the biggest criminal here, but remember I never chose this for myself. I was rather pushed into this life. But you?" Vincenzo scowled at him. "I felt sorry for you! I had a heart, that's the reason I took you in. I knew that a nine year old had nothing to do with the crimes his parents committed. I saw goodness in you and thought I could help bring that out."

He leaned back in his chair before adding, "I took you in because I knew you wouldn't be able to survive on your own. God but I swear do I regret it now! I should have killed you that day when I had the chance. Your life would have been so much more peaceful. But no worries as I'm going to rectify my mistake." Ben shivered at Vincenzo's words as he knew it was his end. He knew there was no room for traitors in this gang, and he was one of them.
"But one last question," he leaned in closer, "Who?"

"I really don't know. None of his men do. We just get orders," Ben shivered slightly. That was all Vincenzo to point his gun at him. Ben opened his mouth to beg for his mercy, but before anything could come out of his mouth, a bang was heard and the room went quiet. The bullet went through his heart as he slumped against the chair with his eyes and mouth open.

Vincenzo put his gun back in his waistband before proceeding to move out of the torture room. He had not tortured Ben like he would have done to his other enemies. He couldn't bring himself to do that to him. Thus he decided to give him a peaceful death. He couldn't spare him because his decisions had almost cost the life of his Queen. And for his Queen he would take down the world if needed.

"You should've asked him more questions. He could have given us leads to Derek's son." James responded.
"No," Vincenzo replied instantly. "He didn't know anything." James frowned at the revelation.
"And what makes you so sure?" James raised his eyebrows.
" The directions he got were not directly from his son. They were from a fake ID. The real man decided to stay behind the curtains and let his men deal with Ben. He had no idea of who the real man was." He responded looking at James.

"How did you know?"

"I have my ways."

"How are we going to get leads on him then?" James was now getting frustrated.

"Trust me we will. And when we do, it will be hell on earth," Vince gave him a determined look before moving out of the room.

Everyone was seated at the breakfast table along with James. Lily sat next to Vincenzo as he had literally glared at her to do so when she was about to take a place beside her father and Dante immediately took the spot next to Rose when he saw it was empty.

"So how have my girls been?" James took a bite from his bacon.
"We've been fine. Although it has been a little boring considering we are not going out as such," Lily whined but Vincenzo raised a brow challenging her. How the hell was it boring when he has been doing nothing but entertaining her? But if she wants more entertainment, then he would happily give it to her. He casually placed his hand on her thigh, very close to her core. Lily sucked in a deep breath as she felt his warm giant hand on her thigh. The gasp did not go unnoticed by anyone. James frowned before raising his eyebrow. "You ok there?"

"Yes," Lily squeaked a little too soon. James gave her a look before nodding. She tried to remove Vincenzo's hand, but it only tightened around her and moved even further till it was resting directly on her core. He looked into her eyes as if challenging her to remove his hand. He smirked as heat crawled on Lily's face.

She immediately coughed and took a glass of water, gulping it down in one go. Rose gave her a skeptical view before smirking as she got an idea as to what may be happening. She shook her head lightly before concentrating back on her sandwich.

Vincenzo casually skimmed his hand across her core before gripping it harshly. Lily bit her lip to trap her moan. He started rubbing her and quickened his pace while giving her a side look. She was now growing wet and decided to keep her face down and admire the bacon on her plate.

Vince kept working his magic on her when he felt her release. She choked as everyone's eyes flew up to hers. Her hand immediately grabbed the glass of water once again before gulping it down more harshly this time.

"Geez Lily what is wrong with you?" James shook his head at his daughter. Lily gave him an innocent smile. If only you knew dad, she thought her eyes glared daggers in Vincenzo's direction, who only seemed to be smirking as he swallowed his last bite.

Rose noticed how Dante had moved closer to her discreetly. Her thoughts immediately wandered off to last night and a blush crept on her cheeks. Dante noticed it and smirked moving even closer to her. The way he made her feel last night was beyond anything. She had literally thought that her heart would burst out of her ribcage at the speed it was beating at. As she took another bite of her sandwich, she smeared some ketchup on the corner of her lips to which she was oblivious.

Dante noticed it and immediately wiped it with his thumb. Rose froze at his action as he took his thumb into his mouth before pulling it out and leaving it all clean. She looked at him with wide eyes while he gazed right back at her and winked before he smirked. She couldn't deny the butterflies that erupted in her stomach at this action. Good thing was that her father was busy in his breakfast and Lily was too distracted with whatever Vincenzo was doing to her, so no one saw what Dante did otherwise it would have been very embarrassing.

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