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I opened my eyes to a semi dark room just light shining from the small tv. I was laying in a bed staring at the ceiling before I heard movement. I looked over to where I heard the movement from and seen a figure laying down. My heart started pounding the machine started making noises. Everything started coming back to me before I blacked out. I closed my eyes and screamed praying it wasn't Elijah. All I really remember is a gun shot and then I passed out. I started having an panic attack my heart was racing I couldn't breathe. The figure came rushing towards the bed.
"Nyla Nyla what's wrong?" I heard his voice before he held me in a hug.
"Calm down its me your safe." King whisper to me while holding me in a tight hug that made me feel so safe. I finally calmed down a few seconds later.
"Please don't leave me I'll do whatever King please don't leave me." I begged and cried into his chest he makes me feel so safe.
"I'm not just calm down please I'm here I'm right here I'm here to stay just calm down." I continue to cry in his chest I was so relieved that he was here hugging me.
"You feel better now?" He asked while rubbing my back I was still hugging him tight I didn't want to let go.
"Yes." I whispered while nodding my head.
"Did you kill him King?" I looked up at him I couldn't hold this question back anymore.
"Thank you." I held him tighter it felt like weight was lifted off of my shoulder it felt like I can finally breathe. I know I shouldn't be happy but I am I can finally live without fear again.
"Get some rest. We can talk in the morning." I nodded my head and laid down. King went to go sit back on the couch.
2 Weeks Later
"Look Cassie she staying and I don't know how many times I have to tell you this." I walked out my bedroom to get away from this girl. It's been two weeks since Nyla left the hospital and I brought her to my house. Because she scared of being by herself still plus Princess is basically her daughter as well hell you can't tell neither one of them she ain't. Princess loves her here I don't understand why Casie has an issue with it.
"What do you mean she not leaving I don't feel comfortable with her staying here." Cassie is my girlfriend. Me and her started kicking it after I left Florida looking for Nyla. I honestly needed someone at that point. Her vibe was fun and that's what I needed but now she drives me crazy. She spoiled all she want to do is spend my money she don't barely be home I don't know what she doing. She doesn't work all she do is shop and party and I don't want that no more.
"Cassie your just saying anything. Your not even here most of the time. And when Nyla is here she doesn't even bother you. I'm telling you right now back off of her seriously.
"Why you keep taking up for her and everything always about her. What about me? All you care about is Nyla." I walked away from Cassie into the kitchen literally everyday we argue about Nyla and I'm getting sick of it.
"Cassie you know I care about you. But this arguing everyday about Nyla is getting old and it's turning me off." Before she could even speak again Princess and Nyla came in the house.
"Daddy look." Princess screamed running to me showing me her nails. Her Nyla and my mother went  to have a spa day I thought Nyla needed it even though she said she didn't I made my mom convince her.
"So pretty baby." I picked her up to kiss her cheek. I walked out the kitchen to the living room where Nyla and my mom was putting their shopping bags down.
"Hey baby." My mom said to me.
"Hey momma." I said trying to hide the fact that I'm upset. I put Princess down and gave my mother a hug and kiss on the cheek.
"Hi King." Nyla said to me while smiling.
"Hey Nyla." I hugged her and kissed her on her forehead she giggled making me laugh a little.
"See King this is what I'm talking about. You really going to flirt with her right in front of my face." I took a deep breath because I don't know how many times I have to explain this to her.
"Cassie me and Nyla are best friends and she is my daughter mother." Cassie stomped upstairs I guess she having a tantrum I don't even care at this point.
"Are you coming to dinner tonight King?" My mom asked me.
"Yes momma." I sat on the couch.
"Are you Nyla?" She asked Nyla.
"No I think I'll let him and his girlfriend go I don't want to be the root of their problems."
"Your not why we have problems Nyla."
"King I hear all of y'all arguments most of them are about me. I don't feel like arguing with her tonight."
"Nyla please come just ignore her." My mom said.
"Okay but one thing and I'm leaving I don't want drama in my life right now."
"Well let me get home to start cooking. Bye y'all." My mom left and me and Nyla was sitting on the couch while Princess was in her play room singing her heart out.
"You know I can move King I'm okay now." I looked at her like she lost her mind.
"Nyla just stop your not leaving your staying here."
"But King-" I cut her off.
"But King nothing your staying here and that's that. I feel like your safer here plus I like having you here and so does Princess."
"Your girlfriend doesn't like me King and I been letting her get away with saying things to me but I don't know how much longer I can."
"Just please don't feed into her negativity please for me Nyla."
"Okay I'll try for you."
"Good can you braid my hair today?"
"I don't think your girlfriend would like that King let her braid your hair."
"Hell no she ain't fucking my hair up." Nyla laughed but I'm being dead serious.
"King no because she going to be petty and honestly I'll beat her ass." I laughed because I know Cassie can't fight and I'm pretty sure Nyla wants to release her anger on somebody.
"She can't braid she can't do shit please braid my hair Nyla."
"No because you going to have to sit in between my legs because your to tall to sit in the chair for me. And how you know she can't braid?"
"She can't do nothing." Since me and Nyla are best friends we talk about everything.
"Y'all niggas kill me all y'all see is a pretty face and a fat ass go get the stuff it's in Princess bathroom." I got off the couch.
"I seen you and you had both and more to offer."
"Stop flirting King." She blushed.
"I wanna do much more than flirt with you." I mumbled walking away to go get the stuff. When I came back she was watching tv. I sat down on the floor in between her legs.
"I heard what you said King."
"I don't know what you talking about." I lied.
"How many times do we have to talk about this plus you have a girlfriend."
"I know you don't have to remind me that we are best friends and that your not ready to be with anyone yet and only reason why I have a girlfriend is because you don't want to be with me." She got quiet and started braiding my hair. Hour or so later she was done with my hair. She didn't say anything the whole time.
"It's just better if we are best friends right now King."
"I know Nyla I'm not mad maybe we are just meant to be friends and Princess parents." I smiled at her.
"Yeah maybe." She smiled back. "What time is dinner at your mom house?"
"6 you know she cook early. Thank you for doing my hair."
"Your welcome. I'm sorry okay I just don't want to mess up. I'm just mentally not ready. I've been through a lot and even though I'm sure you wouldn't hurt me I'm just to scared. I'm scared to love again I'm scared to have a baby I'm scared to be with anyone. But you give me peace and you always make me happy in this friendship we are so perfect right now that I'm scared if we take the next step it will go bad. One day maybe and hopefully you'll be patient with me." She said before she hugged me.
"You know I'm not going no where so stop it I'm here for you. I love you okay."
"I love you too King." I kissed her forehead while she hugged me tighter.

Little did they know Cassie was listening to everything and she was furious. King is Cassie meal ticket without King she wouldn't have anything. Cassie feels Nyla is messing everything up she knows they both have deep deep feelings for each other. Cassie and King relationship was perfect before Nyla came. No matter what Cassie tells King he is not kicking Nyla out she has to figure out a plan and figure it out now.

*Took me forever to write I wasn't done with this chapter but y'all kept asking for me to update so here it is. I hope y'all like it.

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