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"Why you keep running from me girl?" Was all I heard before being dragged off the bed. I thought I was hiding good I drove thirty minutes out of town to this hotel.
"Wait wait stop Elijah stop." I immediately cried out.
"Why you keep playing with my Nyla huh?" He punched me in my face I was still laying on the floor. He punched me again because I didn't answer him.
"I'm sorry stop it please your hurting me." I was trying to cover my face.
"Where the fuck is my son bitch?" He punched me again. Then he pulled out a gun and pointed at my head.
"Where is my son?" He asked again while pushing the gun into my head harder. I've never been so scared in my life I was crying so hard. I was scared to answer because I didn't want him to pull the trigger.
"Answer me now or in five seconds imma pull this trigger." At this point I wanted to die because I couldn't take all the pain and hurt he been putting me through.





"Nyla Nyla wake up!" I feel King shaking me I was drenched in sweat. I've been having bad nightmares ever since the baby shower. I still haven't told King about Elijah texting and calling sending threats.
"Sorry I was having a nightmare." I sat up in the bed with my back to the headboard.
"I know this the third time this week. You want to talk about it?" King asked I shook my head no.
"Can you get my some water King my mouth is really dry." He left the room I really did want to tell him but I'm scared and I feel bad because if Elijah try to hurt King I will be really sad. It's like I can't get a break he haunts me even when I'm not with him. I knew Elijah wouldn't give up so easily but I didn't think he would be sending me the kinds of messages he is. If he trying to get me back threatens me isn't going to get me back. I'm done with Elijah I never want to be in a relationship with him he never treated me right I should have pay attention and listened to everyone warning but love makes you blind and dumb.
"You sure you okay Nyla?" King looked at me worried like he knew something was wrong.
"Yeah I'm fine. What time is it?" It was still dark outside so it had to be in the middle of the night. I don't even know if I can go back to sleep because those nightmares are starting to feel real and it makes me more than scared I'm terrified.
"It's a little after 4 in the morning. You sure you okay?" I nodded my head.
"Yeah I'm fine I'm going to take a quick shower then I'll come back to bed." I felt bad for lying to King but I didn't want to tell him I just want to get a new number and forget about Elijah. I hopped in the shower for about ten minutes then I got out and dried off brush my teeth quick. I went in the room and King was knocked out that fast I laughed to myself while getting dressed for bed again. I crawled back in the bed and cut the tv on to find something to watch. King snuggled right under me his head was directly in front of my stomach and his arm around me. Princess was spending the night at his mom house we are supposed to go over there for dinner tomorrow. I watched the BET channel until I feel asleep.
"Elijah leave me alone please your the reason we are not together. Stop calling me and texting me we are never getting back together." I had finally answered one of Elijah calls because he called and texted me all night and I'm starting to get annoyed.
"If you think I'm going to let you go easily you got another thing coming. When I get my hands on you I will hurt you so bad."
"Elijah seriously I'm pregnant with your child I didn't cheat on you I didn't hurt you you hurt me. You cheated on me time after time you hurt me again and again. I did everything you wanted me to do I did all I could to make you love me like I loved you. But you never loved me you just like to control me. I gave you chance after chance I let you play with my mind again and again. You still couldn't give me your all Why Elijah Why?"
"I'm sorry Nyla please come back I'll be better. Nyla please I can't be without you."
"Elijah no you will never see me or this baby again. You don't deserve me I wasted to many years on you. I moved on and now I love someone else."
"I'm going to make you suffer so fucking bad watch I'm going to kill you and that baby if I can't have you no one can!" I hung up and broke down crying how can he do this and we not even together no more it's not fair. I should have never answered his call I'm definitely getting my number changed.

"Nyla?" King knocked on the bathroom door I jumped I didn't hear him come back in the house. He opened the door and I sitting down on the toilet crying I'm so tired of Elijah I hate him so much.
"What's wrong Nyla? Why are you crying?" King kneeled down in front of me.
"It's Elijah he keeps calling and texting me he have been sending threats and that's why I've been having nightmares. I thought if I ignore him that he will go away but it's getting worst. Today I answered one of his calls because he kept calling so I answered he keeps telling me he going to kill me. He told me he going to kill me and my baby King. Why won't he just leave me alone he is the reason we not together not me." I just cried with all this stress Elijah causing me isn't good for the baby.
"Why didn't you tell me Nyla how am I supposed to protect you if you don't tell me things." He pulled me into a hug. "I'll do everything in my power to make sure he doesn't hurt you you hear me." I nodded my head while I hugged him.
"King I don't want you to get hurt please be careful in whatever your about to do. I need you well we need you." I placed his hands on my stomach this baby was getting so big I was almost eight months now.
"Don't worry I'll be good just calm down because we need a healthy baby boy. Go lay down I brought you some lunch back. It's your favorite shrimp Alfredo with broccoli in it." As soon as he said that my mouth started watering I damn near ran to the bed happy I had forgotten all about Elijah.
"I'm going to kill her!" I threw my phone and watch it hit the wall it broke into pieces. Nyla is fucking pissing me off. I thought she would be back by now but no she want to play family with this nigga King. I should have killed him back in the day. She going to regret leaving me If I can't have her no one will especially not King.
Now I'm stuck with Tina and even though I know I fucked up but still Nyla has never left me like this. Tina is definitely not Nyla at all at least Nyla cooked Tina can't cook for shit and all she do is cry all day. But she having my daughter so she living with me now. I thought I had a bad temper with Nyla it's worst with Tina. I don't know if it's from me being mad at everything and everyone because I don't have Nyla back by now. But I beat her ass so bad I thought I killed her she was unconscious for hours I called my doctor to come over here and check her out. She hasn't said a word to me since and that was last week. The doctor said the baby okay and that she doing good but for Tina she has a broken arm and nose with bruises all over. I think I took it to far but I was stress the fuck out with this shit with Nyla then the shit on the streets it was a lot and she had a smart mouth at the wrong time.

All I can't think about is getting Nyla back and I don't care what it takes.

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