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Elijah in the mm^^^

It was after midnight when I came back in the house I knew Nyla would be sleeping. I went upstairs and just like expected she was sleeping. I dont know how we got like this I mean mostly my fault I guess. I cheated on her before and after that everything kind of changed. I mean we worked it out but she didn't trust me and was always nagging me. Arguments just kept getting worst and worst next thing you know they were physical. It never changed after that it's like the relationship got worst but I couldn't let her go. She tried leaving before I got her right back I can't even picture her with someone else. I walked up to her and just stood there watching her sleep. She must of felt me standing there because she woke up.

"Elijah what the fuck you scared me." She jumped when she woke up. The tv was on so the room wasn't that dark.

"I didn't mean to scare you I was just watching you sleep."

"How long you been home. What time is it? I'm sorry I fell asleep I can go cook you something." She quickly sat up and got out the bed.

"Sit down." She walked slowly over to me and sat on the bed. "I'm sorry Nyla" I sat down on the bed. She was quiet but I knew she heard me. Lately I've been treating her like shit I just have a lot going on. And some how I always take my frustrations out on her.

"I know babe don't worry about it I'll be fine." I watched her wipe her eyes before the tears even fell.

"I'm sorry baby I am I'm going to change." She sat there with her head down but I could see the tears falling onto her thighs. "You hear me I'll change I'll get better it will be like before."

"What happened to us we use to have fun. We was so in love we did everything together. Now I wake up scared I don't even know if I'll live to see the night. I'm scared to talk to you I'm scared to do anything. Why you hate me?"

"I don't hate you Nyla I just got a lot going on right now. I'm sorry I guess I fucked up everything."

"But we've been together a long time now. You know I'll support you in anything. I always have your back I don't judge you and no matter what I love you. But you got to stop hitting and hurting me."

"You want to leave me?" I really wanted her to answer this question.

"Sometimes especially when your angry or mad. You come home already pissed and I'm the one who gets to feel the raft. I try to do everything right so I don't get hurt but you always hurt me. I can't take it look at me. When the last time you seen me without a black eye? When's the last time you seen me laugh or smile. I'm not happy anymore I just don't want to die by the hands of you. Elijah I love you I do but you have to stop or you will kill me."

"Baby if you just give me time to change I will don't give up on me now. I'm sorry for everything I put you through. I'll make you happy again we can get back to old times. Just give me a chance Nyla."

"Have I ever turned my back on you Elijah?"

"No you been here for since day one."

"Okay stop doubting my loyalty to you. Stop accusing me of cheating please. I don't even think about another man. I'm here to stay as long as you stop hitting and hurting me."

"I love you Nyla." She lift her head up like she was shocked to hear me say that.

"Wow I haven't heard you say that in a long time. I didn't even know if you still loved me."

"I never stop loving you it's just things changed. And then everything that happened with the baby I was angry with myself."

"Why you never came to visit me. You left me all alone in the hospital. You left me to deal with the death of our baby by myself. Why?"

"I couldn't sit there and watch you like that knowing it was my fault. I couldn't face you I just couldn't. I'm sorry I know you tired of me saying sorry but I am."

"I just want us to get back how we was before I don't want to live like this anymore."

"I'll change I won't hit you again I promise. Come here." She got up and stood in front of me. "I love you girl." I wrapped my arms her waist and held her tightly I can't afford to lose her.

"I love you too." She rubbed my head while I rested my head on her chest. "I'm kind of hungry baby."

"I could eat something order something I'm going to go shower."

"Okay." I released her and headed towards the bathroom to shower.

"Elijah." I heard Nyla call out.


"You meant everything you said? You promise right."

"I promise Nyla I'm going to change." I hope I could because I know she going to leave me soon if I don't and I can't have that I'll kill her.

"Okay. I think I'll order pizza."

"Sounds good to me."

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