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Nyla in the mm^^^

"Nyla when you going to learn to stop taking me as a joke." Elijah is pissed that it's guys commenting under my picture on Instagram. He convinced that I'm cheating on him. Especially since they dm all the time I never write back but he never lets me explain.

"Elijah please not today." My body still hurt from fighting yesterday and I'm not trying to be in the hospital again.

"What you mean not today? I can clearly see these niggas under your pictures and they dming you."

"I never even write back. Please Elijah I don't want to fight." I was trying to keep him as calm as possible even though I don't think it's working he is already mad.

"I don't give a fuck what you want to do. Give me your phone." I was sitting on the bed just relaxing before he came in the house starting me with.

"Elijah no I'm not giving you my phone." If I gave him my phone he would just throw it and break. And this my third phone this year.

"Nyla I'm warning you now give me your phone if you don't have shit to hide." I ignored him and continue to watch tv. I wasn't trying to argue but he trying to make it seem like it's something it's not because I caught him cheating in the beginning of our relationship. We been together for 3 years now almost 4 and things have changed.

"I know you heard me." He came walking towards the bed my heart pumped faster than before. I really couldn't take another beating right now.

"Elijah please don't." I crawled to the other side of the bed I knew he was about to hit me. He pulled my legs and dragged me off the bed making me hit my head on the floor. "Owww" I held my head and curled into fetus position.

He fist started pounding on me everywhere I tried covering my face I already had a black eye from yesterday. All I did was cry and cover my face the best I can. I can't beat him even if I tried he just fucks me up more. He sent a powerful ass kick to my ribs I screamed in pain.

"Shut the fuck up." He grabbed my hair and dragged me across the room floor.

"No-no more please I'm sorry." I don't even know why I'm apologizing I literally did nothing. I sat up against the wall covering my face I was scared to look up. He was standing over me I was to scared to move.

"Stand the fuck up now." I couldn't move I was too scared. Scared of what his next move was.

"Elijah please no more." I begged.

"Did I say speak, no the fuck I didn't I said stand the fuck up." I got up slowly every breath I take it hurt every move I made the pain kept getting worst.

"Please I'm sorry." I said with my head down I didn't want him to hit me in my face. My face it already trying to heal from my last ass whooping. I still have a black eye I don't need another.

"Listen and listen good you will delete that shit and I better not see you putting another picture up. If I find out you go against what I just said you will regret it. Do you understand?" I nodded my head and he grabbed my hair tight. "I didn't hear you."

"Yes I understand you." After that left my mouth he slapped me right back down to the floor.

"Clean yourself up bitch." He stepped over me like I was trash and left. I started crying hard I don't know why he gotten so mean. He was never like this before. He was so nice and caring and loving. Now he so fucking mean I don't know what to say to him. I'm scared to speak to him because I never know when he will lash out.

I tried leaving twice but he got my ass right back. I mean we have our good times but lately he just been the worst I've ever seen. I get hit at least once a day sometimes he picks stupid arguments with me. I just don't know what to do anymore. I wake up in pain bruises all over my body. I don't feel pretty anymore I always have a black eye or busted lip or a bruise on my face. I'm in the hospital constantly I still come right back to him.

I just wish someone would save me.

I don't want him to kill me because they way he been beating my ass lately I would think he trying to. I mean yesterday he threw me down the stairs and last week he hung me over the railing threatening to drop me. I don't know what I do for him to be like this I miss the old us. I cook for him I clean the house is always clean. I'm well kept I'm pretty yet he still hates me for some reason.

I even had a miscarriage last year he beat the baby right out of me. I was four months pregnant we was both happy about the baby. We got into a argument next thing I remember is waking up a month later with no baby. That's the worst he ever beat me I had broken ribs, two black eyes, a broken nose, my jaw had to get wired, I had a sprang ankle, a bruised neck, my whole body was basically black and blue.

He never even care to see me not once I was all alone while he was out there doing him. I should of left then but he talked me into staying. I should of new he wouldn't change. Everyone told me not to be with him but I didn't listen. I have no one now I have no friends really just my co workers. I have no family my mom and dad disowned me I'm the only child so no siblings. Elijah is literally all I have.

Maybe he can change.

Hopefully he will change.

I don't want him to kill me.

But at the rate it's going I think he will.

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