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"Oh he moving a lot today." I groaned before sitting down the bed. I was about to do Princess hair for the baby shower. But I've been having some pressure and a little bit of pain when the baby move.
"You Okay Ny?" Princess asked worried while she sat down in the chair between my legs. She want her natural curls out today so I was just needed to detangle her hair and put some products in it.
"Yes I'm okay Princess the baby is just moving a lot." I had a spray bottle with conditioner and water in it I sprayed her hair with it to get started on her hair.
"Are you the baby mom Ny?" Princess asked me out of no where. I was a little caught off by her question for her to be 4 she is very smart and always ask a lot of questions.
"Yes I will be the baby mother Princess and the baby is actually a boy." I started to comb her hair out little by little I did it very careful so I won't hurt her.
"I wish I had a mom Ny." She said in a low voice but I heard her you can tell she was very sad by not having a mom around I'm glad I can be here for her I know I won't replace her mother but at least she will have someone to look up to.
"Don't be sad Princess you have a great and loving dad not everyone have a mom or not everyone have a dad either. I don't have a mom either but that's my fault." I didn't even want to think about how I allowed Elijah to take me from my family.
"You don't have a mom either?" She questioned I shook my head no. I know my mom would be so happy that she was about to be a grandmother but even if I did try to speak to her she wouldn't she probably hates me.
"No baby girl I messed up I messed up really bad I let someone else convince me to leave and say bad things to her." My eyes got watery and I was getting choked up thinking about it.
"Can you be my mommy Ny please I'll be a good girl I promise." I was in Awee when she asked me it meant a lot to me that she looked to me as a mommy.
"Uh sure but only if daddy is okay with it after we do your hair and get you dress we can go ask him. Okay." She nodded her head yes she was happy. I don't know what really happened to her mom or why she isn't in her life but I guess if Kings okay with it then I am. She will be the daughter I never got to have thanks to Elijah.

"Hey y'all almost ready?" King came into the room I had just got done putting her shoes on. She had a light blue dress with a big bow on the back of the dress it flair out a little bit.
"Yes can you help me put my dress on I need help with the zipper in the back."
"Yeah come in the room when you ready for me to help you." I sprayed her hair one more time and then put her big blue bow in her hair that matched her dress.
"Okay I will." She ran to King he picked her up I smiled at them they were so cute.
"Daddy can Nyla be my mommy please." He looked at me then back at Princess I guess he didn't know what to say he probably thought it would make me uncomfortable but it doesn't.
"She asked me earlier when I was doing her hair and I told her only if you was okay with it. I didn't want to over step."
"Princess go play with some toys while me and Nyla talk." He put her down and she ran to her play room to go play. "Let me help you put your dress on." We walked to our bedroom so he can help me put my dress on. The dress fit perfectly I already got my hair and makeup done all I had to do was get dress now.
"I appreciate you Nyla I do but if you don't feel comfortable with Princess calling you mom let me know I will have a talk with her." King says to me while zipping up my dress.
"King I love Princess just like as if she was my own daughter it doesn't bother me one bit. She is a very good kid and I'll be happy if she calls me mom. After everything you have done for me this is the least I can do and after all your helping me with my baby. You been there for me since I've found out I was pregnant I seriously can't thank you enough." He pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead.
"King I know it's early in our relationship but I love you I'm in love with you. You don't have to say it back but everyday I find myself loving you more and I just really needed to tell you." He pulled back and looked at me in my eyes I didn't know if he loved me or not but I knew I loved him.
"I love you too Nyla since the first time I met you I knew I wanted you. And I wasn't going to give up until I got you and now that I do I will make it worth it. We shared a passionate kiss it felt like sparks lightning through my body I've never felt like this before.
"Daddy some one is at the door." Princess came running in the room.

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