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"Nyla wake up I made you breakfast." I wasn't going to get up until I heard Elijah say breakfast. I'm just pregnant and depressed I'm 26 weeks pregnant now and Elijah has been basically absent the whole time. Later on today I have an appointment to find out the gender of the baby. I'm excited but I hope Elijah can make it I don't know though.

"What did I do to deserve breakfast in bed?" I sat up against the head board while he put the tray of food in front of me. I look at the food in disgust because it was everything I hate.

"I can't cook my fiancé breakfast in bed?" He said before kissing me on the forehead.

"Elijah?" I just kept staring at the food because he has to be joking.


"Um did you forget that I'm allergic to blueberries and eggs makes me sick and throw up this pregnancy." I pushed the food away from me.

"What blueberry pancakes are your favorite and you love cheesy eggs." I was getting irritated by the second.

"Elijah I'm allergic to fucking blueberries you know this and I eat chocolate chip pancakes not blueberry pancakes."

"Well eat something else." He just shrugged his shoulders walking out the room I noticed he was fully dressed.

"Where you going we have a doctors appointment today?" I followed him downstairs into the living room.

"Out I got business to handle." He tried to kiss me but I moved my face away. Did he not just hear me say we have an doctor appointment.

"Elijah we have a doctor appointment today and you haven't been to any of them since the first one. Today we find out the gender I really need your support here. Remember you begged for this baby." I was becoming fed up he hasn't been by my side lately and I hate it.

"Just call me when you find out the gender." I couldn't believe what he just said it's like he doesn't even care.

"Are you fucking serious Elijah. You really don't even care any other man would be by his fiancé side through pregnancy especially since it's a scary one for us. But you just don't care for god sake we finding the gender out today and you can't fucking make it."

"Look Nyla watch your mouth you know I'm busy I'm trying to get shit done before the baby gets here."

"I don't believe that shit you haven't been home in 2 days and you coming in the house later and later every night. What the hell is going on?"

"Yo chill out I'm not doing shit just fucking call me when you find out the gender ion have time to be dealing with your nagging ass." He walked out the door slamming it I was in shock I stood there in shock I couldn't believe him. I cried all the way back to my room and call the one person I know who I can count on.

"King." I cried into the phone these past couple of months me and king has gotten really close. He been actually going with me to all my appointments because Elijah hasn't.

"What's wrong Nyla?" It sounded like he just woke up. I continue to cry I just needed to get it out. "Nyla?" I didn't answer him I just cried Elijah really hurt my feelings. "I'm coming to get you." Was all I heard him say before hanging up. I couldn't stop crying my feelings were really hurt. Elijah asked me for this baby practically begged me and he hasn't even been there for me. How could he just be so mean and I know he either cheating on me or some other bitch has his attention. He just got me pregnant and keep me cooped up in this house.

I packed me a change of clothes after I got myself together and washed my face and brushed my teeth. I threw some jeans on and a plain shirt put my hair in a bun and slid my feet in my fury slides while I wait for King to come get me. I'll just shower and get dress at his house before my appointment.

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