°•°Chapter 15°•°

198 16 7

"Home isn't where you're from, it's where you find light when all grows dark."

Pierce Brown.

Reese's POV.

A smile constantly dances on my face as I drive through the dense green cover, I hear Irene yawn but look at the surroundings in awe, "You can sleep, you know?"

She shakes her head looking at me, "I don't think I can sleep without having a freaking nightmare with Alex in it and you've got me used to sleeping in your arms now. That's the only time I can sleep without having nightmares,"

A sigh escapes my lips as I think of possible things I can say to make her feel better, "Alright then, we've just got a half an hour drive left and then, you and I sleep unless you want to do anything else,"

Irene rolls her eyes with a smile, "I don't even know where we are going and you're making plans to get us naked already,"

"Well if its privacy you're worried about then, I think we already sorted out that last night," I wink making her blush. Then I take one hand off the steering wheel and take Irene's hand in mine, rubbing circles on her palm. Beneath all the playfulness there's fear. Fear of losing her, the fear of her running back to Alex when he tries to hurt me and the fear of her smile permanently disappearing.

Two weeks with her will never be enough, there's probably no measure of time that'll be enough with her because every time something happens, we grow closer. I can't wait to have a normal future with her and by normal I mean, without having to worry about Alex.

Irene's fingers trace my bandaged knuckles as I notice her staring at me from my peripheral view, probably regretting dragging me into this as always or blaming herself for me getting hurt. It is going to take a lot more convincing her to get to the point where she stops blaming herself.

Alex. Damn that bastard, I could've killed him for the way he spoke about Irene. I probably was never this angry in my life before, he called her a slut which is the reason he got punched in the face and then tried convincing me that she was just using me to getaway. With that, I left him there with a probably broken nose and a black eye neither of which I regret.

The sun started to rise just in time when I turned into the driveway of an isolated cottage, "Wow,"

I smirk at Irene's surprise, "What is this place?"

"Well, I've got a friend who's a bounty hunter so he gets to stay here in isolation to keep his cover and avoid any criminals from tracking him," I tell her stopping at the gate and get off the car to get to the intercom.

Pressing the button, "Hey Ty, its Reese,"

"Wow! That's a surprise, come on in," the gates open and I get back into the car before driving in.

"Are you sure your friend won't mind?" Irene asks with concern. I park the car safely in front of the house and turn to plant a kiss on her lips, "Trust me, he won't."

I kiss her forehead as she closes her eyes, "Reese?"

I hear Tyler's voice and turn to look at his expression with raised eyebrows and a smirk. Giving Irene's hand a comforting squeeze, I get out of the car and Tyler hugs me immediately, "Ray is going to be so mad at me,"

Tyler chuckles at my statement. Ray, Tyler, and I were inseparable in college but when Ray got to know that Tyler is the one that got me into street fighting, they had a huge fight because I was close to death the last time I was in the Ring. Now to see that, Tyler turned out to be responsible and became a bounty hunter, quite opposite to his past personality.

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